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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 358

At this point, this incident was considered pretty much concluded.

Qiu Mu-Ying and Chu Wen-Fei were detained inside the shop and Shen Meng called the cops so that they could handle this matter.

Qiu Mu-Cheng didn't really want to watch anymore, so she looked at Ye Fan and said, "Ye Fan, let's go home?"

"Ok," Ye Fan nodded.

Ye Fan and Qiu Mu-Cheng then turned to leave.

When Shen Meng spotted them leaving, he quickly ran up to them and apologized, "I'm really sorry that something like this had to happen on your first visit here. You had to witness something so embarrassing and it's badly affected your shopping experience. As the shopkeeper here, I'm really very sorry about it."

"The next time you come, I promise that I won't let something like this happen in the store again."

Just when Ye Fan and his wife were about to leave the store, Shen Meng actually ran forward to see them out. The way he was so friendly and polite to them was completely different from how he had fiercely berated Qiu Mu-Ying and Chu Wen-Fei earlier.

If Qiu Mu-Ying and Chu Wen-Fei saw this and still couldn't catch on, then those eyes of their must be useless.

"Yingying, no wonder this Mr Shen got Qiu Mu-Cheng to only pay $200. So they know each other. Qiu Mu-Cheng is your cousin, so quickly go and beg her to put in a good word for us. Otherwise we're really going to jail at this rate," said Chu Wen-Fei hurriedly to Qiu Mu-Ying.

Qiu Mu-Ying instantly froze and clearly couldn't bring herself to do such a thing.

After all, she and Qiu Mu-Cheng got along like water and fire. Even back when Wang Liang offended Shen Fei back on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival Night Auction and begged Qiu Mu-Ying to plead with Ye Fan for mercy, she couldn't bring herself to do that.

So now Qiu Mu-Ying wasn't willing to humble herself to plead with Qiu Mu-Cheng.

"Come on! Is your pride more important or money? This is $7 million we're talking about! If you plead with her, he might write off that $7 million altogether!" said Chu Wen-Fei anxiously.

After hesitating for some time, Qiu Mu-Ying finally nodded.

Her husband was right. Pride wasn't as important as money.

So after she made this decision, she ran over and pulled Qiu Mu-Cheng back as she said in a pleading voice, "Mu-Cheng, since you are friends with Mr Shen, then won't you help your little sister and your brother-in-law since we're all relatives?"

"Sis, please? Please put in a good word for us? We really didn't mean it. I really thought those vases were fakes. Couldn't you help us to plead with Mr Shen so that we just have to pay a few hundred?"

Qiu Mu-Ying was now addressing Qiu Mu-Cheng as her sister and sounded like she was very close to Qiu Mu-Cheng.

Her tone of voice didn't have any of the arrogance or bossiness she displayed earlier, and sounded exceptionally humble and polite.

Anyone who didn't know them would have thought these sisters were very close.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng wasn't taken in by Qiu Mu-Ying's nice words. She pushed Qiu Mu-Ying's hand aside and turned to leave as if she didn't hear anything.

"Sis, you can't be so cruel to me. I'm your younger cousin and we're like sisters! Our fathers are brothers, and we share the same grandfather! The same blood flows in us both! Have you forgotten how we used to share a bed when we were children? Or how we used to go to school and go home after school together? Are you really going to be so cruel and leave me in the lurch like that? Are you really not going to care about your cousin anymore?" asked Qiu Mu-Ying with bloodshot eyes. Her voice was filled with such emotion and laden with such touching words that anyone else listening might have started crying.

Qiu Mu-Cheng stopped walking and listened quietly to Qiu Mu-Ying's emotional speech without turning around.

Ye Fan suddenly noticed that Qiu Mu-Cheng's body was actually trembling.

"Mu-Cheng, are you alright?" asked Ye Fan worriedly.

He thought that Qiu Mu-Cheng was crying.

But actually she was laughing.


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