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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 363

Han Dong-Min also hung up the phone. His expression was dark and he looked rather unhappy.

He was clearly unsure if Ye Fan was really capable of doing something this or if he was just bragging.

After all, he had sounded too casual and this whole thing just sounded impossible.

"Mayor Han, I told you earlier. This Master Ye is just bragging and now he doesn't even make sense anymore. He just sounds like a youngster who just entered the workforce with big dreams. I don't know where you heard about Master Li Er being respectful to him. He's just a young punk, so how could he be so capable? Mayor Han, don't get fooled by this live-in son-in-law."

Han Dong-Min had left the phone on speakerphone, so Meng Guang had heard the whole conversation.

Meng Guang still had a red imprint on his face from Han Dong-Min's slap earlier.

When he heard Han Dong-Min's reaction earlier, he was really afraid that he might have offended a big shot.

But after calming down, Meng Guang felt that there were a few problems here.

If Ye Fan was really that amazing, why would he be hiding in a small family like the Qius? And why would he choose to be a useless live-in son-in-law?

Besides, Ye Fan was so young, so no matter how talented he was, how impressive could he truly be at this age?

On top of that, Ye Fan's nonchalant Til settle it' really sounded too boastful. It was so boastful that Meng Guang was sure that Ye Fan was just lying to them and trying to talk big.

It was as if someone came up to you and said he could destroy planet earth. Would you believe him?

Of course not!

That was exactly how Han Dong-Min and

Meng Guang felt right now.

If one showed off too much, that wasn't being impressive anymore. That was just being idiotic.

And so even Han Dong-Min started to suspect that Ye Fan was just pretending to be a big shot to fool him.

When he thought about this, Han Dong-Min walked over and helped Meng Guang get up from the floor. "Meng Guang, I'm so sorry, I was too rash just now.”

"But I don't get it. If things are just like what you said and Ye Fan has been pretending to be a big shot to fool me, what is his motive?" asked Han Dong-Min puzzledly.

There was a reason for everything.

If Ye Fan was really pulling a fast one on him, there must be a reason for it.

But Meng Guang just chortled. "What other reason could there be? He just wanted to show off. Mayor Han, if he didn't brag about himself like that, would you still be so polite to him?"

"You're a leader of the city and you're so polite towards him, so you've definitely fed his ego. Also, his position in society would rise tremendously. Perhaps he even used your name to make Master Li Er behave so respectfully towards him. That's how you pretend that you're something great when you're not, right?"

This explanation by Meng Guang made Han Dong-Min feel like he had been splashed by a bucket of water and he could see everything clearly now.

"You're right. You're right! I've checked on Ye Fan's family background, and he's really born in the countryside, of lowly birth and married into the Qius. I had been curious before this as to how someone like that made Master Li Er and the rest so respectful towards him."

"Looks like this little brat has been using my name to make himself seem more powerful! It was really hard for me to tell, but it was much clearer to someone outside of the situation. Meng Guang, I really have to thank you. If you didn't point this out to me, I would have been used by this fellow."

Han Dong-Min was suddenly enlightened and couldn't help but sigh as he thanked Meng Guang.

"Mayor Han, I'm your assistant, so it's my job to help you check the people around you and plan strategies. I think that live-in son-in-law will call you again to talk to you about the Entrepreneurs' Dinner. You don't have to consider his feelings anymore and you can just turn the tables on him. If you give in to countryside leeches like him, then he would step all over you!"

Han Dong-Min nodded in agreement to Meng Guang's words.

In no time, Ye Fan called again. And just like what Meng Guang predicted, Ye Fan was calling him about the Entrepreneurs' Dinner.

"Mayor Han, everything's settled and someone will call you shortly. What you need to do is to go according to the original plan and continue preparing for the Entrepreneurs' Dinner, as well as to call my wife to inform her. Do you understand?” Ye Fan's calm voice came through the phone.

But Han Dong-Min just laughed after hearing this. "Master Ye, are you done acting?”


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