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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 369

Qiu Mu-Cheng wondered how impressive it would be if she could get these big shots to support Mufan Real Estate's opening ceremony.

Then Qiu Mu-Ying, her grandfather, and the others would have nothing to say.

An inexplicable smile surfaced instantly on Qiu Mu-Cheng's face as she contemplated. Then Qiu Mu-Cheng took the initiative to hand out the invitation to every person she met. Qiu Mu-Cheng lowered herself and treated these business circle veterans with the utmost respect when she invited them to Mufan Real Estate's opening ceremony.

But after giving them out for a long time, not a single person accepted Qiu Mu-Cheng's invitation. Almost everyone rejected her with all kinds of excuses.

In the end, Qiu Mu-Cheng hung her head dejectedly and was on the verge of giving up.

"Qianqian, why is this happening? Why isn't there a single person who is willing to go?” Before coming to the dinner, Qiu Mu-Cheng thought it was impossible that not a single one of these powerful leaders was unable to turn up. They were busy people, but she thought at least one in ten would have the time to attend the opening ceremony.

But the harsh reality slapped Qiu Mu-Cheng viciously on her face.

Su Qian had just finished chatting with a rich young master and was walking back with a red wine glass in hand. At the sight of how disappointed Qiu Mu-Cheng was, Su Qian seemed scarcely surprised. Instead, Su Qian looked like she saw it coming all along as she said, "Mu-Cheng, I already told you it wouldn't work."

"But why? Wasn't I polite or respectful enough? Why did they reject me without even taking the invitation or saying anything nice? Why are they like this?"

Qiu Mu-Cheng found it incomprehensible. She clearly made a lot of effort and was respectful to the point that she was even somewhat meek and almost begged when she invited them.

In the end, nothing worked.

"Mu-Cheng, haven't you figured it out yet? You were simply too respectful and meek towards them, so they don't give a hoot about coming. Humans just have deep-rooted habits. The more you humble yourself to them, the more they treat you with disdain and ignore you, so they naturally won't accept your invitation. But if you presented yourself with a lofty attitude, they would fawn and scramble after you. Why don't you understand such a simple theory?" sighed Su Qian as she shook her head.

Qiu Mu-Cheng laughed in self-ridicule when she heard this. Then she said, "Qianqian, I know what you are talking about. I want to be lofty and not have to lower myself either, but what else can I do? Mufan Real Estate is a tiny unknown company after all, and these people have probably never even heard of us. How can we have the confidence to put on airs given the situation? Do we have what it takes for them to fawn us?"

Su Qian immediately laughed when she heard this. Then she said, "Mu-Cheng, are you stupid? If a company is unknown, does it necessarily mean it is small? Our country is so big that there must be hundreds and thousands of businesses with billions worth of assets. But can you name them all? So if you don't mention it, no one will know that Mufan Real Estate is a tiny business. It's not like anyone here knows you."

Qiu Mu-Cheng was stunned as she said, "Qianqian, are you going to..."

Then before Qiu Mu-Cheng could finish, Su Qian smiled slyly and said, "Mu-Cheng, wait for me and watch me. Remember to coordinate with me later."

"Qianqian, you..."

Qiu Mu-Cheng seemed to realize what Su Qian was up to and attempted to stop her. But Su Qian had already walked to the center of the hall towards a stage where the leaders delivered speeches.

By now, Su Qian had already walked up the stage to stand at the highest point in the hall. Then she held the microphone and said proudly, "Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! I am Mufan Group's deputy CEO, Su Qian. It's Mufan Group's first time expanding our operation into Yunzhou, and our Yunzhou branch office has yet to open. In theory, we don't have the right to attend the Yunzhou Entrepreneurs' Dinner, but Han Dong-Min enthusiastically called us three times, hoping that we could come. We had no choice but to accept the honor humbly and attend this meeting."

"On behalf of our CEO, Miss Qiu, allow me to express gratitude for Deputy Mayor Han's warm welcome and thank all the entrepreneurs present for having us here. Thank you for accepting Mufan Group so graciously."

Su Qian's resounding voice suddenly reverberated through the hall.

Very quickly, many people turned their heads to look at Su Qian and listened to her. A lot of them looked shocked and perplexed.

"Mufan Group?'


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