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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 382

At almost 9AM.

The Qiu family were seated in the hall and waited for their first batch of guests to arrive.

Old Master Qiu was filled with pride as he sat upright on the main seat and looked as dignified as the reigning emperor's father.

Old Master Qiu wore a suit and even a tie on this rare occasion. It was evident how much this celebration meant to him.

"Qiu Guang, most of our guests should be arriving soon, right?” asked Old Master Qiu slowly as he turned around to look at Qiu Guang after sipping some tea.

Qiu Guang glanced at his watch and replied, "That's right. It's 9AM and almost time."

Sure enough.

A blank Honda drove in and gradually pulled up outside the hotel the moment Qiu Guang finished is words.

A young sexy woman and a short potbellied man got off the car when the car door opened.

The man raised his head and looked ahead before taking his wife's hand and handing his name card over to the door boy.

Then a childish resonant voice immediately rang through the autumn skies.

"The director of Shifeng Factory, Mr Wei has arrived!"

The quiet atmosphere in the hotel lobby was broken when the door boy shouted.

"Haha, someone's here! Guang, sister-in-law, your friends are here. Hurry up and go welcome them."

The Qiu family was familiar with Shifeng Factory since they had worked with Qiushui Logistics for years. The director was good friends with Qiu Guang privately, and they hung out often.

The moment they heard Mr Wei's name, they knew he was Qiu Guang's guest.

"Haha, hurry up and welcome them in, Qiu Guang. We must uphold etiquette since they were kind enough to support us," Old Master Qiu quickly rushed his eldest son the moment he heard the arrival of their first guest as he smiled even more excitedly.

"Yes, Dad! Come honey, let's go welcome our guests in. Haha," said Qiu Guang as he straightened his suit with a proud look on his face. Then he went over to welcome their first guest with his wife.

"Mr Qiu, I'm not late, I hope? Congratulations, Mr Qiu! I, Wei Long-Xian, and my wife hope that the Qiu family enjoys a booming business and that everything goes smoothly for your ribboncutting ceremony. Here's a small gift for you. I hope you like it."

"Hahaha, you're too kind Mr Wei. Quickly now, Mr and Mrs Wei, please come in," said Qiu Guang as he laughed out loud and eagerly shook Mr Wei's hand. At the same time, he got the wait staff standing by the side to lead the couple to their seats in the hall.

Then several cars pulled up at the hotel entrance again.

The door boy's cries rang through the streets continuously.

"The director of Jinfengwang Foods, Mr Wang has arrived!"

"The director of Dafeng Machinery, Mr Lin has arrived!"

"The supervisor of the Timber Mill, Mr Meng has arrived!"

As more and more cars pulled up, the door boy's childish and resonant voice continued to ring through the air.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of factory directors arrived with their wives in tow and walked up the red carpet. Then Qiu Guang and the others welcomed them before leading them into the hotel lobby.

'Old Master Qiu, how are you doing?'


"Allow me to present a small gift.”


"Thanks, thank you so much.”

Very quickly, the hotel lobby was filled with guests. Countless people came to the ribbon-cutting ceremony to congratulate them, and the atmosphere was festive and lively.

The commotion from the Qiu family at the hotel was even audible within a ten meter radius.

All morning, guests kept turning up at the Qiu family's ceremony. In stark contrast, the entrance of Mufan Real Estate was completely empty.

Other than a few passersby, there wasn't a single guest at the door.

Other than the dejected employees, there wasn't a single guest in their office.



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