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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 391

After all, when it came to connections, the Qiu family was not as well connected as Chu Wen-Fei was.

Chu Wen-Fei's family was reputable in Yunzhou, and more importantly, they knew Mayor Wu.

Chu Wen-Fei had grown up with the mayor's son.

This connection alone was enough to beat all those corporate giants of the country.


Chu Wen-Fei's face paled a little.

He had told Wu Yong about this and said he hoped Wu Yong could come and support him.

But Wu Yong didn't promise him anything and just said he'd try to come.

So even Chu Wen-Fei wasn't sure if he would come either.

But just as Chu Wen-Fei was feeling unsure, the sound of cars came from outside the hotel.

After that, the bright voice of the door boy rang out once again.

"Son of Minister Nangong Hai, Nangong Ling has arrived!"

"Son of Commissioner Wang Dong-Lai, Wang Tian has arrived!"


"Nangong Hai?"

"You mean the head of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, Nangong Hai?"

"His son?"

"And Wang Donglai!"

"You mean the police commissioner, Wang Donglai?"

"Oh my god, these are the sons of high ranking officials!"

After hearing the names announced outside, everyone inside the hall got a shock again.

But this was just the beginning.

At the end, a handsome young man walked out from a car and the announcer's voice resounded loudly once more.

"Son of Wu Wei-Tao, Wu Yong has arrived!"


Wu...Wu Wei-Tao? Mayor Wu's son?

The esteemed son of Yunzhou's mayor?

Good heavens, the Secretary's son was here too?

Wu Yong didn't include his father's title and just reported his father's name.

But that was enough.

Everyone in Yunzhou knew who Wu Wei-Tao was.

This man was the one who controlled all of Yunzhou, the designer of the city, the top brass of this place!

Wu Wei-Tao's name had already spread through all of Yunzhou via the news long ago.

So when this announcement was made, the Qiu family, their guests and even the passersby were all shocked.

"Wow, this is exciting."

"This fight between Qiushui Logistics and Mufan Real Estate is so exciting."

"Even the sons of government officials are here."


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