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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 394

"This commotion..."

"More guests?!"

Everyone was immediately attracted to the sound of the cars.

Qiu Mu-Ying and the rest ignored Ye Fan and turned when they heard the cars coming.

They immediately felt a great gust of wind blow towards them once they turned around.

They soon saw many luxury cars rush towards them.

"One, two, three...five, six..."

"Fifteen cars!"

"And they're all luxury cars worth more than $1 million!"

"Oh my god..."

"Are they all here to congratulate the


Many people were going mad from seeing all these luxury cars coming their way.

They were shouting and exclaiming in shock.

But this was not all.

The cars started coming closer, and their eyes nearly fell out of their heads when they saw the license plate numbers.

"Jiang D55555”

"Jiang C66666"

"Jiang A88888”

"These...these are all valuable vanity plates!"

"And isn't that Jiang C a car from Haozhou?"

"Oh my goodness!"

"This is crazy!"

"You mean someone's come all the way

from Haozhou?!"

"And from Nanquan City...Jingzhou City...


Someone from the provincial capital was here?!

What the heck was going on today?

Was there a really important person in Yunzhou?!

Who was worthy of such big shots coming to visit?

Before the cars had stopped, just their license plate numbers alone were enough to cause a huge uproar.

It was like a rock had dropped into the ocean and raised a huge wave of water.

Everyone watching by the side was going crazy.

They had never seen anything as grand as this.

It wasn't just the onlookers. Both the Qiu family's side and Qiu Mu-Cheng's side were completely rooted to the ground.

They watched the cars drive towards them with such shock and amazement.

The confusion and fear within their hearts were at the same level as their shock and amazement.

Could these people be coming to congratulate them?

Could the Qiu family really be that incredible?

Would someone from other cities of Jiangdong drive all the way here just to send their congratulatory words?

Qiu Mu-Ying and her family didn't have the confidence to think this way.

Qiu Mu-Cheng and family were even more afraid to think so highly of themselves.

No matter how bold Han Li was, she didn't dare to claim that these people were here for her Mu-Cheng.

While everyone was still exclaiming in shock, these luxury cars came to a stop.

The car doors opened and everyone watched as men in well-tailored suits with authoritative looks on their faces appeared in front of them at once.

They didn't care about the shocked looks on everyone's faces as they just walked onto the red carpet and passed their name cards to the announcer by the roadside.

The next thing everyone knew, that childlike bright voice rang out loudly in this quiet space once more.

"Son of the head of the Wang family in Haozhou, son of Wang Jie-Xi, Wang Yu-Chen has arrived!"


The son of Wang Jie-Xi, the young master of the Wang family in Haozhou?

The first name alone was enough to make everyone explode with shock.

Qiu Mu-Ying and her mother trembled, and their hearts skipped a beat.

But nobody knew that this was only the beginning.

After that...

"Young master of the Lei family in Jingzhou, Young Master Lei Ao-Ting has arrived!”


Lei Ao-Ting?


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