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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 4

Once they had received their instructions, the underlings left to carry out their task.

Soon, the waiter returned to the private room and repeated the manager's instruction. Of course, Chu Wen-Fei was unwilling to listen and insisted on seeing the manager.-

And then the Qiu family members could only react in confusion when the troop of security personnel arrived on the scene. Finally, they were all thrown out by the guards. During the process, both Chu Wen-Fei and Qiu Mu-Ying put up a fight and kept demanding to see the manager.

"Screw you!”

The security guard was pissed and responded by slapping the unreasonable duo before throwing them out.


"It hurts-”

Both Chu Wen-Fei and Qiu Mu-Ying howled in agony.

"Bastards, how dare you treat me like this."

"I promise you this. You all are done for!"

"How dare you dirty my dress?"

"You low class people. Can you afford to pay for my dress?"

Qiu Mu-Ying was still ranting away.

"Keep shouting and I will slap your bloody mouth!" A security guard glared and roared at Qiu Mu-Ying. She promptly shut up.

"Do you know what's going on here?"

"It's so humiliating."

The hitherto festive banquet guests were now thrown out of the restaurant, and they milled around feeling embarrassed and looking demoralized. Wang Qiao-Yu kept complaining as she had suffered a great loss of face. As for Qiu Zheng-Lun, the head of the Qiu family, his face had already turned an ugly color. In his whole life, he had never been so humiliated before. To think that he was thrown out like a dog during his meal.

At this time, a crowd had gathered outside Haiyuan Pavilion.

To prepare for the VIP's arrival, cordon tapes were put up to clear a path through the crowd. And a brand new red carpet was unrolled from the restaurant's entrance to the main road.


"Look, isn't that the president of Wei Corporation? One of the top ten young entrepreneurs of Jiangdong province? He's a National People's Congress representative. He was told to leave as well?"

"And that old man. Isn't he the head of the Qiu family? He was chased out as well?"

"Damn. That's Director Li Wei-Min. He's a senior leader of the municipal party committee. He was told to leave too!" "What the... What's going on today?"

"Is a VVIP coming?"

"Making such a fuss!"

When they saw the top dogs of Yunzhou city chased out of the restaurant, the onlookers worked themselves into a frenzy.

With all the pomp that was going on, everyone couldn't help wondering about the identity of Haiyuan Pavilion's mystery guest.

What kind of person could make Haiyuan Pavilion go to such great lengths and offend so many members of high society!

When the Qiu family saw that they were in such illustrious company, they felt a little better. At the same time, they were also curious about the identity of the VIP guest.

Qiu Mu-Cheng, too, lifted up her head to look, her heart filled with curiosity.


Finally, amidst all the commotion, roars of engine noise could be heard coming in from the end of the main road. Like the sound of howling demons, they tore through the horizon.

Immediately after, streams of orangeyellow headlights flashed through the canopy of the night sky and sped towards the restaurant.

The momentum of the car fleet was like that of a churning river!

Soon, a black explosion-proof car that was being escorted by other vehicles arrived on the scene.



"Six of them?"


"What a huge procession."

The crowd worked themselves into a frenzy again. Everyone was overwhelmed by the pageantry and after witnessing the procession, Chu Wen-Fei felt inferior.

Finally, the car's door opened.

Numerous stewards lined up on both sides of the red carpet and shouted in unison.

"Welcome, Young Master Fan!"

"Welcome, Young Master Fan!"


Their shouts thundered and resounded through the air.

While the stewards were shouting, the general manager himself came out to receive the mystery guest and the female greeters bowed uniformly in welcome.

Under the dim lighting and the adoring gazes of the crowd, the slim figure of a young man walked up the red carpet and disappeared into Haiyuan Pavilion.

Leaving numerous smoldering stares and frenzied shrieks in his wake.

"Wow, so handsome!"

"So young-"

"He must be super rich."

"Wish I could marry him—"

Scores of girls screamed and wished they could throw themselves at him.

"Shit, stop pushing-"

"You beasts!"

Because the Qiu family members were standing in a bad position, they were quickly pushed to the back of the crowd. When they made their way to the front, they could only see the back view of the young man.

But even so, the two married woman - Qiu Mu-Ying and Qiu Mu-Hong - stared seductively and longingly after the retreating back of the mysterious youth.

"Ai, it's a pity. We don't know him.'


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