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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 415

After dinner, Han Li and Qiu Lei retired to their rooms to rest.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng called Ye Fan into the bedroom.

A light, refreshing scent wafted around in Qiu Mu-Cheng's room.

Qiu Mu-Cheng sat on the bed with her arms folded as she looked at Ye Fan with a burning stare.

She seemed like she was dying to see through this man.

Ye Fan cheekily smiled when he saw her like this and said, "Honey, don't stare at me. If you want to look at me so badly, then just tell me so that I can strip!"

Then Ye Fan started to undo the buttons on his jacket while he spoke.

The moment Qiu Mu-Cheng heard Ye Fan's shameless words, she said furiously, "Shut up! You better 'fess up and explain what happened today. Why did Shen Jiu-Wan from the Shens, Li Xue-Qi from the Lis, and the Young Masters from the Leis from Jingzhou and the Wangs from Haozhou come today? Even Mayor Wu was here! Ye Fan, what did you do?"

Qiu Mu-Cheng's words sounded serious, and her eyes appeared puzzled and grave.

Although the opening ceremony only lasted a day, Qiu Mu-Cheng never felt as nervous as she did today in her lifetime.

There were plenty of upheavals in life, but Qiu Mu-Cheng experienced it all in a day.

She thought that Mufan Real Estate was done for when Wu Yong moved in on them and wanted to shut them down.

It was unexpected that Wu Wei-Tao would turn up and help turn the tables in Qiu Mu-Cheng's favor.

Qiu Mu-Cheng thought that today would be the darkest day in her life, but Mufan Real Estate unexpectedly ended up becoming famous!

The events that transpired in the day kept

Qiu Mu-Cheng exhilarated even up to now.

But after Qiu Mu-Cheng calmed down, many doubts surfaced in her heart.

But Ye Fan smiled bitterly and shrugged when Qiu Mu-Cheng interrogated him. Then he replied, "What could I have done? I didn't do anything. Didn't Mum say Mayor Wu came because of you? My wife is beautiful, talented, bold, decisive, and doesn't lose to a man. You are bound to be an influential person in Yunzhou in the future, so Mayor Wu came in our time of need and did us a favor. Isn't that completely normal?"

Ye Fan mimicked Han Li and commended Qiu Mu-Cheng continuously.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng wasn't stupid, so she stared coldly and said, "Don't try to distract me by praising me! I know exactly how capable I am. I know how much respect I command. My parents might not see through your lies, but I do. I asked you once after my Grandma's birthday celebration in Jianghai. Now I'm asking you again. Ye Fan, who are you?"


Her deep voice quietly rang in the bedroom.

The wind outside suddenly gusted dramatically after Qiu Mu-Cheng popped her question.

It was late autumn, and nighttime now, so the wind was cold when it gusted into the room.

The book on the table flapped in the wind and rustled while the wind made Qiu Mu-Cheng's bangs flutter as well.

The room instantly fell into a long silence.

No one else spoke a word as the night breeze swept into the room.

Qiu Mu-Cheng stared expressionlessly at Ye Fan with those beautiful eyes of hers.

In her deep eyes, an inexplicable light undulated.

Ye Fan's initial smile disappeared when he saw how serious Qiu Mu-Cheng was about her question.

Ye Fan's expression became particularly serious as well as he looked at the woman's lovely face. Then his deep voice gradually rang inside the room, "Mu-Cheng, do you remember what I said to you at the city moat on the day we were engaged?”


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