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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 454

That's right.

To Zhao Wu-Ji, no matter how incredible Ye Fan was, he was still just a gangster.

After all, according to what Zhao Wu-Ji knew, Ye Fan was someone with no background or powerful family whatsoever. Ye Fan managed to gain a foothold in Jiangdong entirely by brute strength.

So even though Chen Ao and the rest treated this young man who killed his way to the top as their leader, Zhao Wu-Ji viewed him as nothing but a mere gangster.

Zhao Wu-Ji was from a rich family in Yanjing and was of high status in society, so he had always looked down on people from the village like Ye Fan.

He had been upset all this time that he got chased out of Jiangdong by Ye Fan.

But he didn't think that he had really lost.

He had just placed his trust in the wrong person.

So all this time, Zhao Wu-Ji had been making plans and was waiting for the right time to return to Jiangdong and regain his reputation.

But the heavens were on his side and Ye Fan came knocking on his door first.

At Mount Tai, Ye Fan had managed to cause a huge uproar all by himself.

But Zhao Wu-Ji didn't think that Ye Fan could still turn the tables this time!

After all, no matter how powerful Wu He-Rong was, he was all by himself.

And now, Ye Fan was facing many powerful families at once.

He could go up against one man, but could Ye Fan also go up against a hundred men and offend all the powerful families at the same time?

The power of each family was definitely something that one person would be

unable to handle.

The entire hall was silent.

Everyone was feeling fearful and only Zhao Wu-Ji's angry voice echoed in the lobby.

"Even the Zhao family is here."

"Looks like this young man is really going to die right here."

Many people's faces paled as they murmured to one another. Their eyes looked at Ye Fan with pity.

Xu Lei didn't say anything and just quietly sat by Ye Fan's side.

But the worry in her heart could be seen even though her expression was grim.

But her eyes remained determined.

She had already decided that no matter what storms came their way, she was determined to stand by Ye Fan's side.

She was going to accompany him and support him all the way.

But those harsh words from Zhao Wu-Ji didn't cause a single ripple in Ye Fan's heart.

Ye Fan didn't look at him and just concentrated on his tea as he shook his head and laughed. "The Zhao family of Yanjing, one of the three most promising families is indeed a powerful family in this place where powerful men are a dime a dozen.”

"But so what? If you were thinking of scaring me and making me submit to you, then the Zhao family isn't enough either!"

Ye Fan's words were firm and his arrogance sent shockwaves through the lobby.

Everyone within earshot was filled with terror.


"The Wei family plus the Zhao family is still not enough?"

"What is this fellow up to?"

"Does he think he's god?"

Many people gasped and started murmuring among themselves.

They thought after the Zhao family arrived, Ye Fan would not be as arrogant.

But Ye Fan didn't back down, and actually became even more stubborn and complacent!

Li Lu-Bin and his daughter were really shocked by Ye Fan's audacity.

"And what if you include me as well?"

Suddenly, another low voice came from outside the hotel.

A middle aged man walked in with several men as well.

His heavy footsteps resounded clearly on the floor.

Everyone in the hall was alarmed once


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