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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 46

As soon as Qiu Mu-Cheng had agreed to take the job, Qiu Mu-Ying started smirking like a cat that had just eaten a canary.

But the latter was not going to let off Qiu Mu-Cheng that easily. Qiu Mu-Ying continued to smile coldly and said, "Mu-Cheng, this building approval is a big deal to us. Our company needs it urgently."

"If you keep failing to get it, do you expect the company to keep on waiting?"

"Don't worry. One month. I just need one month to get the approval." After a moment of hesitation, Qiu Mu-Cheng resolved herself to getting the approval within a month.

"A month?"

"But if we wait a month for the approval, our company would have gone bankrupt by then."

"Mu-Cheng, as you know, our company is facing troubles from within and without. We are in a very worrying situation. You can afford to wait, but we can't."

“Then what do you want?” Qiu Mu-Cheng asked frostily.

Qiu Mu-Ying smiled coldly and ignored the question. Then she turned to Master Qiu and said, "Grandfather, I suggest we give Qiu Mu-Cheng seven days to complete her task. If she can't get the approval by the deadline, then she has to leave the company. We have no need for useless people like her."


"Qiu Mu-Ying, don't push your luck. Uncle Guang has been trying for a year without success. What can I do in just seven days?" Qiu Mu-Cheng retorted angrily.

"What? Didn't you just say you will definitely get the approval? Why are you losing your confidence now? Well, we will not make things difficult for you, if you fail to get it. You can just leave our family. We don't need useless people in our family." Qiu Mu-Ying folded her arms and sneered at her cousin.

Just then, Master Qiu joined the conversation. "Mu-Ying is right. Our company is facing troubles from within and without. We cannot afford to wait for you to finish dawdling around. We will give you seven days. And then we will hold a family meeting. We will be waiting for you. If you fail to get the approval, then there will be no need for you to return here."

"We have given enough to your family. It is time for you to repay the favor."

Master Qiu had spoken and his words were final. No matter how troubled Qiu Mu-Cheng felt, she could only suffer alone.

Ye Fan took all that in and felt a stab of pain in his heart.

Since the Qiu family was unbenevolent toward his wife, Ye Fan decided that it was time to find another place of belonging for her.

A seed sprouted within him.


Qiu Mu-Cheng, look forward to getting kicked out of our family.

Qiu Mu-Ying laughed smugly, with a cold gleam in her eyes.

"Mu-Cheng, do you need my help?" After they had left the Qiu's family house, Ye Fan took a look at his blotchy-eyed wife and offered his assistance.

"I don't need any help."

"I can do this alone."

"I will succeed!"

"Everyone who has looked down on me will shut their mouths!"

Just then, Qiu Mu-Cheng's eyes gleamed with a confident light, and her voice rang with unyielding stubbornness.

Afterward, she returned to her office to start working on a plan to get the building approval.

And Ye Fan was left staring at his wife's resolute and mesmerizing back. After a long moment, an enigmatic smile appeared on his lips.

My wife looks really beautiful when she is serious.

Over the next few days, Qiu Mu-Cheng left the house early in the morning and only returned late at night. During the day, she kept watch over the entrance to the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. With just an umbrella to provide shade, she waited for the person-in-charge, Director Li. At night, she did research on the internet to look up his interests.

Since she needed him to do her a favor, she had to cater to his tastes.

Finally, she hit the jackpot. One of Director Li's neighbors told her that he liked to eat Yellow River carp. After obtaining the information, Qiu Mu-Cheng personally made a trip to the Yellow River to purchase some carps. Afterward, she continued to wait outside the Bureau.

Seven days later. The Qiu's family house.

"What time is it now? Why is Qiu Mu-Cheng not here yet?" According to their agreement, Qiu Mu-Cheng was supposed to have obtained the building approval by today.

But even though evening was approaching, Qiu Mu-Cheng was still nowhere to be seen.


"I guess she didn't get the building approval after all. And she is not here because she is afraid of getting punished by grandfather?" Qiu Mu-Ying laughed mockingly.

Master Qiu looked outside and let out a sigh. "Mu-Ying, regarding this matter, I am afraid I will have to trouble you and Wen-Fei again."

It looked like Master Qiu had already given up hope. Like Qiu Mu-Ying, he also did not think that Qiu Mu-Cheng could get the building approval within seven days.

After all, even an experienced businessman like Qiu Guang had failed to obtain one after trying for a year. And he did not even get to meet the person-in-charge. A girl without connections and backings, like Qiu Mu-Cheng, could not hope to get the building approval within seven days.

Qiu Mu-Ying nodded. "Grandfather, don't worry. At the right moment, Wen-Fei and I will lend a hand. But grandfather, this time, you must not side with Qiu Mu-Cheng again. Like we discussed earlier, if she doesn't get the building approval, she has to leave our company. Qiushui Logistics has no obligation to employ useless people.”


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