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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 478


A luxury car slowly drove into the Xu family house and stopped in front of the hall.

The car door opened and a middle aged man with an authoritative expression on his face got out.

He then made a call.

"Feng-Fei, gather all the important members of the family for a meeting in the main hall," his low voice resonated quietly in the dark night.

In the Xu house's main hall after a few minutes.

Several members of the family had arrived after receiving the call.

Even some who were busy entertaining clients quickly drove back for the meeting.

"Feng-Liang, you're back. Why didn't you tell us you were coming back earlier? We could have picked you up from the airport," said Xu Feng-Fei fairly politely when he saw who had arrived.

The only person who could make the second-in-command of the household behave so politely was the head of the family, Xu Feng-Liang.

"There's no need for formalities, just take a seat." Xu Feng-Liang waved him off and everyone settled down in the hall.

"Mei-Feng, how's your investigation on Ye Fan's family background coming along?" Xu Feng-Liang asked his own daughter, Xu Mei-Feng, first.

Xu Mei-Feng nodded. "Dad, I've got everything.”

"Read it to me," said Xu Feng-Liang in a low voice.

"Ye Fan, from the province of Jiangdong, city of Yunzhou. He was born in the countryside, his mother is a farmer. Later he married into the Qiu family to become a live-in son-in-law. The Qiu family is a third tier family in Yunzhou and they're worth around $10 million or so. His wife, Qiu Mu-Cheng, is currently the CEO of Mufan Real Estate. Mufan Real Estate itself was opened with the help of Xu Lei, and is just a small business that isn't worth much," recited Xu Mei-Feng with her head lowered.

After hearing Ye Fan's background, the entire hall was filled with chatter.

They didn't expect this Ye Fan to be of such terrible status!

He was from the countryside and worse still, a live-in son-in-law?

"Oh my goodness, what a disgrace!"

"She decided to be a lover of a married man, and this man is even a live-in son-in-law."

"Such a descendant in the family is a complete disgrace to us!"

Many family members became angry and upset, and they felt it was such an embarrassment.

Xu Feng-Fei's expression was also rather nasty. He had heard the Xues mention that Ye Fan was a live-in son-in-law at Wolong Hotel.

But Xu Feng-Fei wasn't too sure. After all, he knew his niece well. How could someone as proud of Xu Lei fall for a useless live-in son-in-law?

But now, even the information that Xu Mei-Feng had was the same.

With two sources verifying this information, Xu Feng-Fei had to believe it.

"Anymore? Is that it?" Xu Feng-Liang continued to ask Xu Mei-Feng expressionlessly even as the rest of the family was seething in anger.

Xu Mei-Feng nodded. "Dad, that's it."

"I've already checked everything I could. He has no father since he was a child, his mother is a farmer, his maternal grandparents are quite reputable within their village, but they're still a bunch of lice in any case."


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