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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 48

The Qiu's family house.

Members from various branches of the Qiu family had gathered at the family house. They were either executives of Qiushui Logistics or senior members of the family.

Just then, Qiu Mu-Ying was lounging around the meeting hall and looking displeased.

"It's the middle of the night. Are we not allowed to rest?"

"Why did grandfather call for a meeting at this hour?"

"Can't we wait till tomorrow?"

In the huge meeting hall, Qiu Mu-Ying was the only person who dared to complain.

After all, her family now held a prestigious position among the Qius. Qiu Mu-Ying had married a successful man from a powerful family, so nobody dared to cause her offence.

"Ying-Ying, this is what I heard. Qiu Mu-Cheng was the one who called your grandfather. She wanted us to wait here for the loan contract." One of Qiu Mu-Ying's aunts confided in a whisper.

"The loan contract? Qiu Mu-Ying frowned and then laughed disdainfully. "She doesn't have backings or connections. How on earth is she going to get the loan contract?"

"I think she is just joking around with us."

"That's right, Ying-Ying. I agree with you. It has only been one night. I don't believe Qiu Mu-Cheng can persuade the bank to give us the loan in such a short amount of time. She is not such an amazing person."

"But this is good as well. We can make use of this opportunity to oust her from the company. We have never liked her.”

The Qius gave their opinions and discussed the matter in a low voice.

Very soon, Master Qiu arrived at the meeting hall and everyone quieted down immediately.

Qiu Mu-Ying took the opportunity to approach her grandfather. "Grandfather, did Mu-Cheng really get the loan?"

Master Qiu shook his head and said: "I have no idea. She said she would get it tonight and told me to set up this meeting.”

"Chh~ I thought she has already got the loan. Now it looks like she was just playing to the gallery." Qiu Mu-Ying sneered and continued, "Grandfather, I think Mu-Cheng is just giving in to her despair. She knows it is impossible for her to get the loan and continue to freeload off us, so she wants to prank us before she leaves."

"Grandfather, just think about it. Right now, it doesn't matter if Mu-Cheng is capable enough to get the loan or not. It is late at night now. All the banks are closed. There is nobody to see her, let alone negotiate a loan contract with her."

"She is obviously lying to you.”

"That's right. What an ungrateful wretch. Our family has treated her so well, and yet she wants to prank us before leaving. Next time I see her, I am going to pretend not to know her." The other Qius followed suit and criticized Qiu Mu-Cheng as well.

As criticisms against Qiu Mu-Cheng continued to mount, Master Qiu's expression turned darker and darker.

It was obvious that Qiu Mu-Ying's words had made him realize that he could have been tricked by Ye Fan and Qiu Mu-Cheng.

"Qiu Guang, call that wretch right now. Ask her what she is planning to do," Master Qiu ordered coldly.

Qiu Mu-Ying grew more satisfied as she looked at her visibly angry grandfather.

Qiu Mu-Cheng, Qiu Mu-Cheng. You are really an idiot. Pranking us like this will only anger grandfather. You are just asking for trouble!

"Grandfather, there's no need to call. I am here."

The door opened with a clang.

Without a hint of expression on her face, Qiu Mu-Cheng walked in carrying a handbag.

"Hmph, Qiu Mu-Cheng, how dare you show your face around here?"

"Where's the money? Where's the loan contract? Where are they?"

"I think you have nothing to show us."

"Don't go around bragging when you are so useless. We need our sleep, you know?"

"Grandfather has a noble constitution. If he falls sick because of your prank, will you be able to take responsibility for your actions?"

"That's right, Qiu Mu-Cheng. Since you are so useless, why do you still want to show off?"

"You made everyone gather here in the middle of the night. Don't you feel guilty?" "You are a really horrible person." "A person like you should not remain in the company."

"We will let you keep a bit of dignity.

Resign and leave by yourself. Save us the trouble of firing you.” Judging by the mass of criticisms the assembled Qius were leveling against Qiu Mu-Cheng, it was obvious that they were all on Qiu Mu-Ying's side.

If a man is successful, then his wife will be respected as well. Qiu Mu-Ying had married a successful man, so the other Qius were quick to toady up to her. As for Qiu Mu-Cheng, because she had married a useless piece of trash, everyone looked down on her and, naturally, nobody cared one bit about her dignity.

Bullies tend to pick on those weaker than themselves. And because Qiu Mu-Cheng held a low position within the Qiu family, the other Qius would consciously or unconsciously pick on her.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng simply turned a deaf ear to her relatives' criticisms. She did not even bother to look at them.

"Qiu Mu-Cheng, I am asking you a question. Are you deaf or dumb?" Getting ignored by her cousin had angered Qiu Mu-Ying.

Qiu Mu-Cheng continued to ignore her cousin, and Qiu Mu-Ying's face turned red in anger. The latter was about to yell again, when a stack of documents landed on the table with a piak.

"Grandfather, I have done what you told me to do. Here is the loan contract."

"It is a loan for twenty million. They will release the fund in four batches. We will receive the first batch tomorrow."

"Grandfather, please take a look at these loan documents."

Qiu Mu-Cheng's indifferent words hit the assembled Qius like a slap in their face.


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