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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 480

"A...c-core family?" Xu Feng-Liang nearly lost his balance.

His heart skipped a beat.

He never dreamt that one day, the Xu family might become one of the core families of the Chu family.

The Chu family was powerful and they had affiliates worldwide.

But of course, these affiliates were not all tied equally to the Chu family.

The Xu family was pretty much an affiliate that was at the outermost circle of contact, and was practically an affiliate in name. They couldn't get access to any of the Chu family's resources, and they even had to pay the Chus a very expensive annual fee to remain an affiliate.

But a core family would be different. That would be the closest circle outside the Chu family itself.

There were no fees to be paid, and you could even receive investment money of up to $10 billion from the Chu family. You would be given priority when receiving resources and the Chu family would protect you no matter what happened.

When he heard that the Xu family had the chance to become one of the eight core families, Xu Feng-Liang was so excited that he almost went crazy. He thanked the man so profusely, he was just short of kneeling down and kowtowing.

The man waved his hands. "Mr Xu, there's no need to say all these formal things. We're all working for Third Young Master, and we just need to make sure we play our own part well. Third Young Master will settle everything else for us. If all goes well, Third Young Master will come to Yanjing personally. So you can thank him personally when the time comes.”


"Third Young Master is coming personally?"

Xu Feng- Liang felt his body tremble and he became even more excited now. "In that case, we really must not lose this match."

"We must gain absolute victory in order to welcome Third Young Master!"

"But of course." The man smiled proudly.

In no time, Xu Feng-Liang left the room.

There were only seven days left to the match.

After that night's conversation, Xu Feng-Liang felt extremely motivated and immediately went to make preparations for the match.

He used all the connections he had to check on the fighters sent by the other powerful families.

After consolidating the information, he sent it all to Mr Hua.

The chances of winning were higher if you knew your opponents after all.

As the day of the match drew nearer, the various powers in Yanjing also started to feel nervous.

Some families bought ginseng, some went around getting deer antler and bear paws to supplement their fighter's health.

Those martial arts academy principals and other high level martial artists had also begun to train themselves up for the upcoming battle, and some of them even joined small scale battles to train their actual combat skills.

All of Yanjing was so tense, it was like a storm was about to hit the city.

Compared to all these people, Ye Fan was living very leisurely.

After going out with Xu Lei in the morning, he would have tea in the afternoon, then watch a movie with Xu Lei at night.

Of course, Ye Fan also remembered to call his wife to tell her he was doing okay.

Ye Fan's life during this week was really enviable.


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