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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 488


The $250? Did Ye Fan just imply that he was dumb?

Guo Ya-Wen and Lei Dong-Bao's faces instantly turned dark the moment Ye Fan finished his words.

Their smiles quickly dissipated. Lei Dong-Bao became so angry that he slammed the table and stood up.

"Are you looking for trouble, you brat? You're just a poor loser who can't even afford to buy the watch. How dare you say I'm stupid? Wenwen, what sort of classmate of yours would fancy a foul man like him?" said Lei Dong-Bao. Fury brimmed from his eyes as he was clearly going hysterical.

He didn't expect a pauper like Ye Fan would dare to scold him!

Guo Ya-Wen was equally annoyed. Then she glared at Xu Lei and said, "Xu Lei, are you just going to sit back and watch? You better discipline that loser boyfriend of yours. I tell you, if it weren't on account of you, my hubby would have sent men to beat him up for offending us!"

Ye Fan kept stirring trouble, so Lei Dong-Bao and Guo Ya-Wen were naturally angry.

Meng Han immediately jumped in to persuade them when she saw how huge their conflict had become. She said, "Wenwen, don't be angry with Lei. It was Ye Fan who said the wrong thing and not Lei at all. Lei, why don't you convince your boyfriend to apologize to Wenwen quickly. Even if he can't afford to buy that watch, he shouldn't say Dong-Bao is stupid."

Then Meng Han hurried Xu Lei to reprimand to Ye Fan.

"I think you've misunderstood. I was saying that the watch was only worth $250. If the Rolex Mr Lei was talking about truly cost $1 million, then Mr Lei must have purchased a high-quality imitation," explained Ye Fan.

"Darn you! You're the one who is an imitation. Your entire family is fake!" shouted Lei Dong-Bao as he instantly exploded when he heard Ye Fan's words.

Lei Dong-Bao stared wide-eyed at Ye Fan with veins popping up on his forehead. He appeared as though he was about to stand up and beat up Ye Fan.

After all, Ye Fan had really gone too far.

First, Ye Fan said that their purse was a fake, and now so was Lei Dong-Bao's watch.

What would Ye Fan say next? Was he going to say that his underwear were fakes too?

Ye Fan was clearly targeting him!

How could anyone tolerate this?

Meng Han immediately hurried over and pulled Lei Dong-Bao back as she looked at Guo Ya-Wen anxiously.

"Wenwen, why don't you talk to your husband? Even if Ye Fan went overboard, your husband can't just beat him up. We are all classmates here, so there's no need to fall out because of a tiny matter,” said Meng Han as she consoled Guo Ya-Wen and Lei Dong-Bao.

Then Meng Han shouted coldly at Ye Fan as she looked contemptuously at him. "And you, Ye Fan, are you addicted to this or something? It was sheer luck that you guessed Wenwen's purse was an imitation. Are you saying that Dong-Bao's watch is fake too? You are just having a case of sour grapes because you can't have what they own. You keep accusing them of using fake goods because you can't afford to buy them. Hard lives make people unreasonable, and people from small towns are the worst. How dare you spout nonsense! Hurry up and apologize to Wenwen and Dong-Bao!"

Meng Han obviously didn't show Ye Fan as much respect as she did for Lei Dong-Bao.

After all, Lei Dong-Bao was a CEO, so he had high status and a powerful background. Meng Han still had to rely on him to board the cruise ship later in the afternoon, so she naturally took their side.

But who was Ye Fan?

Ye Fan was merely a pauper, and no one respected or cared about people without wealth or influence in this society.

So Meng Han naturally didn't care about Ye Fan's dignity at all when she spoke.

And she immediately demanded that Ye Fan apologize!


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