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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 502

No human was willing to submit to another man.

So the Xu family's ambition to consolidate all powers in Yanjing made Lin Feng, Zhao Si, and the others exceptionally upset.

But Xu Feng-Liang remained calm when Lin Feng questioned him.

"You don't have to worry about the Xu family's relationship with Mr Hua. But if the Lin family doesn't want to yield to him, then go ahead and fight Mr Hua. If you defeat Mr Hua, your families naturally don't have to recognize him as your leader. You might even be able to take the opportunity to consolidate power in Yanjing. For time immemorial, capable men are respected. We use our fists to determine the winner and obtain power. Whoever can defeat all heroes and have the last laugh will rise as King of Yanjing. Don't you understand such a simple theory, Mr Lin?" said Xu Feng-Liang slowly. Then he picked up his teacup and smiled as he took a sip.

"Humph, since Mr Xu insists nothing is going between you and Mr Hua, then let's wait and see. I'd like to see who the hell this Mr Hua is. How dare he speak so arrogantly and harbor ambitions to be the King of Yanjing?"

Zhao Si and the others were displeased as well, so they didn't utter a word after returning to their seats.

After a short-lived commotion, everyone went quiet and waited for the next fight to begin.

But after a long period of silence, no one walked out.

Hua Ying-Long's aura earlier was simply too daunting.

He had a thunderous voice and was as imposing as a mountain.

No one dared to act rashly since he was so powerful.

"Mr Lin, what now?"

Many people looked at Lin Feng.

The Xu family had the ambition to rule Yanjing and make everyone present their subjects.

So they were undoubtedly standing in opposition to all the Yanjing powers.

All the families panicked and could only look at the head of the Lin family, Lin Feng, and wait for his decision.

After all, families like the Lin and the Xue families were second to the Xu family in terms of power among all the wealthy and influential families here.

The three other influential Yanjing families were so rich and powerful that they were well past having to worry about their foothold, so they didn't participate in the fighting match at all.

After all, those three families had such colossal backgrounds that they were always aloof and almost never took part in any business disputes.

Also, the Xue family was getting marginalized and hanging precariously.

Since they had lost all respect for the Xue family, the Lin family naturally became everyone's pillar of strength.

"What else can we do? Just keep going. Which is the next martial arts academy? Hurry up and fight!" shouted Lin Feng deeply.

The Yanjing fighting match followed a protocol and came with a fixed order for entering the ring.

Very quickly, the head of the Yang family told their Yangchun Martial Arts Academy to send a master to fight.

But after a very long time, no one stepped forward.

"What happened Mr. Yang? Where are the people from the Yang family?" asked Lin Feng unhappily.

The old man's face filled with bitterness as he hung up the phone. Then he said anxiously, "Mr Lin, our men have run...run off!”


"What kind of fools did you find? It's a disgrace!" sneered Lin Feng before he continued, "Then the next one can go! I recall it's Leidian Martial Arts Academy up next, right?"

A middle-aged man walked over in a panic the moment Lin Feng finished speaking. Then he said, "Mr...Mr Lin, our...our men can't be reached either. I guess they probably ran off.”


"You idiots! Hua Ying-Long just appeared out of nowhere, but all of you are so terrified of him. Isn't there a single martial arts academy in Yanjing that can be more proactive? Isn't there a single martial arts warrior who will step up? Do you really want Hua Ying-Long to become King?” said Lin Feng nonstop angrily.

In a few sentences, he reprimanded all these heads of their family so badly that they hung their heads guiltily.

"I'll do it!"


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