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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 548

Li Er felt his eyelid twitch.

Mr Chu could really show off when he wanted to!

But since Ye Fan had said so, Li Er could only agree.

"Sure, Mr Chu. I'll definitely purchase the villa on Mount Yunding as soon as possible!"

After hanging up, Li Er got to work.

$50 billion was no small sum even to Li Er.

But Li Er didn't dare to grumble. After all, everything that Li Er had came from Ye Fan.

On top of that, after the battle at Mount Tai, a large portion of the assets of the richest man in Jiangdong then, Zhao Wu-Ji, had been given to Li Er to manage. It was worth more than $100 billion, so Li Er was more than able to use $50 billion out of that.


The cold wind blew outside.

The night was quiet.

Ye Fan stood by the window and his deep set eyes reflected the millions of stars in the sky.

"Mu-Cheng, it won't be long. I will give you everything that you want. You have suffered so much pain and humiliation over the past three years, so before I leave, I'm going to get everything back for you!"

His quiet words floated far away with the night wind.

The next morning.

A piece of news had shaken up all of Yunzhou.

Mr Chu had paid $50 billion up front to purchase the bungalow on Mount Yunding!

It caused an uproar in Yunzhou immediately.

The TV and the news was reporting on


It was as if a huge rock had dropped into the sea and was raising a tsunami in the whole city of Yunzhou.

"What? Someone bought that bungalow on Mount Yunding?"

"Oh my goodness! It's been ten years! Many people have viewed the place but nobody has ever been able to buy it. Even the richest man in Jiangdong couldn't bear to part with $50 billion just to buy a bungalow. But now, a truly wealthy man has appeared. The Mount Yunding bungalow has finally found an owner! Mr Chu is truly amazing!"

"Oh my god! $50 billion is half of Shen Group! He bought it just like that? Mr Chu is incredible! He's truly the hero of Jiangdong and can afford to just spend billions like that. Mr Chu is the true dragon of Yunzhou!"

"That's how a man should be!"

Everyone was discussing this and exclaiming.

Everyone in Yunzhou were clearly impressed by the spending power of this Mr Chu.

For many nights after this, so many women had gone crazy and fallen in love with Mr Chu because of this.

They all dreamt of becoming Mr Chu's woman and live in the Mount Yunding bungalow to reach the peak of Yunzhou. Then they would become both Yunzhou and Jiangdong's queen!

In Liuyuan Residential District.

Ye Fan and family were still eating breakfast when Han Li found out about this from the TV. She immediately got excited and her eyes were red from envy.

"$50 billion just for a house?! Oh my god. That's SO much money! Mr Chu is truly impressive! If my daughter could marry Mr Chu, then I'm going to smile myself awake every morning. But unfortunately our Mu-Cheng isn't very blessed and she's married a useless bum instead. Never mind spending $50 billion to buy a bungalow. I'd bet he can't even buy a toilet. Her entire life has been held back by this piece of trash."

Han Li was filled with envy and jealousy.

Han Li looked at how Ye Fan was just silently eating his breakfast and she started to get angry.

"You useless thing, how dare you just sit there and eat? Look at Mr Chu and look at yourself! You're both men, but the different is as great as the difference between heaven and earth. You're really just an idiot who doesn't want to work hard at all! If I were you, I would have just smashed my own head against the wall to die!" shouted Han Li angrily.


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