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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 553

"Son, get yourself a good meal, then run for it. Our company can't be saved. Over the last few minutes, corporations in Yanjing, Jinling, Gangdao and other major cities have attacked the company at the same time. Even international financial corporations and oligarchs are attacking Shuntian Group! Everyone is trying to draw the line with us right now."

"We're doomed, we're really doomed this time. The business that our ancestors have built up is gone just like that. After I go to jail, you must change your name and never say that you have anything to do with Shuntian Group.” Wang Sheng-Tian's father sounded like he was saying his last words to his son.

Just a few minutes ago, Wang Sheng-Tian was still arrogantly laughing away and boasting of his might.

But now, disaster had fallen from the sky and his family was going to collapse. In just a few minutes, everything that Wang Sheng-Tian was so proud of had shattered to pieces.

How could Wang Sheng-Tian accept such a devastating loss in such a short time?

After hearing his father sound as if he was saying his last words, Wang Sheng-Tian actually started crying even though he was nearly 30 years old already.

"Dad, what's wrong? What's happened? Everything was fine yesterday and we just celebrated your birthday last night. Why do I have to run for my life now? What about you? And Mum? You want me to change my name, but where are both of you going? If you're not coming with me, I'm not going anywhere!" Wang Sheng-Tian continued to weep fearfully.

But the man on the other line got angry.

"Hurry up and go! Sheng-Tian, the company can fall and the Shuntian Group can be destroyed, but you must leave right now! If you still treat me as your father, then you must run for your life right now. Someone from Zhonghai is already on their way to arrest you, so if you don't run now, the Wang family is really doomed. Leave Yunzhou and change your name, don't be a Wang anymore!”

Suddenly, an ear-piercing noise came through the phone.

It was followed by silence.

"Dad, Dad!” Wang Sheng-Tian shouted hysterically in the office.

Perhaps he was feeling both terrified and frightened, so Wang Sheng-Tian was trembling all over.

But no matter how loudly he shouted, nobody replied him.

The call had been cut off.

Wang Sheng-Tian couldn't figure it out at all.

How did this happen? How?

What could have made Shuntian Group collapse overnight?

Besides other corporations in China, even oligarchs from overseas were attacking

Shuntian Group and causing its downfall.

It felt as though the entire world was turning on Shuntian Industries at the same time.

"Mr Wang, I think we should run now!"

"We must have offended some really big shot!"

"HQ has already lost all hope. If our branch office continues to stay here, we're just going to perish eventually."

Many employees in the office were frightened and they all started to persuade Wang Sheng-Tian to make a run for it.

But after hearing what his subordinates said, Wang Sheng-Tian shuddered all over.

He spun around violently to look at the man on the sofa.

That fair faced man was still sitting there with a smile on his face and drinking his tea.

He was as calm as the surface of a lake.

His calmness didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the panicky office.


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