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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 569

It was fine to be angry, but she couldn't just stay angry. After all, husbands and wives were bound to argue now and then.

Moreover, Ye Fan did so much for Qiu Mu-Cheng, so she couldn't leave him in the lurch.

So after Qiu Mu-Cheng went home to sulk, she started rummaging for her bankbook.

"Sigh! It's all that idiot's fault. Now the house buying will need to be delayed."

After working all these years, Qiu Mu-Cheng had naturally saved up some money.

Overtime, it had become a considerable sum.

If she worked hard for a few more months, then she could probably be able to afford a down payment on a new home. If she got lucky, she might even be able to buy a cheap car. And that was enough for her.

But because of Ye Fan, Qiu Mu-Cheng's dreams of buying a home and car had to be placed on hold indefinitely.

Qiu Mu-Cheng definitely felt the pinch.

But she had no choice.

Ye Fan was her husband, so she couldn't leave him in the lurch whatever the reason.

But after Qiu Mu-Cheng had prepared the money, she didn't take the initiative to call Ye Fan.

The scoundrel created so much trouble, so she didn't want to reach out and help him. She simply wanted Ye Fan to call her for help on his own accord. Then she could give him a telling off and vent some steam.

Also, it would help him remember the lesson!

But Qiu Mu-Cheng was disappointed in the end.

After waiting all night, Ye Fan didn't call her.

This undoubtedly aggravated Qiu Mu-Cheng's anger.

"Fine. Does he want to give me the cold shoulder? Let's see how long he can last!" said Qiu Mu-Cheng furiously.

Qiu Mu-Cheng was a proud woman. She thought after the huge temper she threw last night, Ye Fan would at least call to coax her.

But she didn't expect the asshole to give her the cold shoulder. He neither came home for the night nor called her even.

So Qiu Mu-Cheng left for work the next morning with anger seething from her heart. She didn't even eat breakfast.

"Mu-Cheng, Ye Fan...” said Su Qian. The moment she arrived at the office and saw Qiu Mu-Cheng, she wanted to tell her about Ye Fan.

But Qiu Mu-Cheng said furiously, "Don't tell me about him! He's the last thing I want to hear about! If he wants to act rich, then be my guest. If he has the balls, then don't turn ever turn up in front of me again!"

Qiu Mu-Cheng was furious.

Su Qian added fuel to the fire quickly.

"Mu-Cheng, you finally get it now. This guy is an asshole and not someone you can spend the rest of your life with at all. You should take the opportunity to get rid of him now. You saw how Fan Zhong-Xian liked you yesterday. Mu-Cheng, you have to treasure the chance. Fan Zhong-Xian wants to buy you dinner tonight. After all, he felt bad about you leaving halfway through last night, so he wants to treat you to dinner. You must go. Also, it's your birthday in a few days, so he is preparing to throw a banquet for you.”

"Turn him down. I have neither the time nor the mood. You can go if you want to," said Qiu Mu-Cheng. She wasn't in the mood for this and rejected the offer right away.

Her exquisite heels tapped gently across the floor, and she turned to leave.

"Mu-Cheng, don't do that! It's a great chance. Fan Zhong-Xian is loaded, talented, and handsome. Even if he can't compare to Mr Chu, he is at the same level as that amazing harmonica player. You have to take hold of the opportunity," persuaded Su Qian earnestly.

It seemed like to this day, Su Qian had yet to forget about her harmonica player.

After all, he was considered Su Qian's first love to a certain extent.

She had a crush on Mr Chu, but more accurately, it was admiration.

The lofty heights Mr Chu was at made him appear ethereal.

But this harmonica player was far more real and attainable.

Perhaps regardless of what became of Su Qian in the future, the skinny silhouette she saw playing the harmonica at the bungalow would forever be etched in her heart.

He would become Su Qian's eternal,

perfect love.

For a few days in a row, Qiu Mu-Cheng remained in a bad mood.

She could even be considered depressed.


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