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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 600

Ye Fan's arrogant words continued to echo in the boxing gym.

Fan Zhong-Xian ignored the pain on his body and made a phone call.

"Hello? Uncle He? Where are you now? Come over to the gym for a while. Someone has threatened us and both Bo and I have been beaten up. Uncle He, you have to quickly come over and teach this bastard a lesson!" Fan Zhong-Xian sounded miserable and hateful.

Then he hung up quickly after that.

"Ye Fan, just you wait! Uncle He is the champion of Yunzhou's martial arts competition! One punch from him can knock a bull out and he's the head of this school! Once Uncle He arrives, you can just wait to die!” said Fan Zhong-Xian nastily to Ye Fan as he knelt on the floor while his leg was still bleeding.

Everyone else was also filled with great hatred in their eyes.

The terrible pain searing through their bodies intensified their hate for Ye Fan.

It was clear that besides Fan Zhong-Xian, Situ Feng, Xia Yue and everyone else was pinning all their hopes of getting revenge on this Uncle He.

They were all waiting for this Uncle He to come and avenge them.

But Ye Fan didn't seem afraid at all and he looked strangely calm.

He just stood there and waited quietly.

Xia Xue's face was filled with worry as she whispered to Ye Fan, "Hey...I think you'd better leave. Uncle He is really good. He's the Boxing King of Yunzhou and both Xian and Bo together can't fight him at all. You'd better leave before Uncle He gets here. There's no need to stay here and risk your life..."

Xia Xue continued to persuade him anxiously.

Xia Yue almost had a fit when she heard these words.

"Xue, whose side are you on?! You bloody traitor!" shrieked Xia Yue in anger.

The sound of a car could be heard outside.

Someone was here.

"Oho! It's Uncle He's car! Uncle He is here! You stupid country bumpkin! Wait to die!" laughed Fan Zhong-Xian with a threatening smile.

Situ Feng roared through gritted teeth as well, "Ye Fan, you're doomed! Uncle He is the highly skilled fighter that Xian and the rest hired to keep the peace in this place and he's the Boxing King. How could a farmer like you fight against him? You're definitely doomed!"

"Wait to die!" yelled Xia Yue venomously.


Footsteps came in from outside while they were all hurling threats at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan stood with his hands behind his back and watched the figure slowly walk

through the door.


A middle aged man in a suit pushed the door open and walked into the gym.

His steps were steady and his breathing was regular.

His well-built body was extremely muscular, and it was clear that he was someone who had practiced martial arts for a long time.

When he appeared, Ye Fan smiled.

"Uncle He, you're finally here! It's that bastard over there! He threatened the school and forced all of us to kneel! He broke my leg and he's injured Liang Bo severely too. Uncle He, you have to take revenge for us and restore the reputation of our school!"

Fan Zhong-Xian behaved like someone who had fallen into the water and was clinging onto the last blade of grass that could stop him from being swept away.

He looked at the middle aged man and spoke pitifully and respectfully as he pleaded with the man to teach Ye Fan a lesson.

Fan Zhong-Xian's words were like a huge rock falling into the ocean, causing a tsunami to rise.

Everyone behind him started begging this man together. All these ill-disciplined rich youngsters suddenly became respectful as they started pleading with the man.


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