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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 608

Liang Hao-Nan didn't think that Ye Fan would actually follow them all the way up here just to slap him in the face.

What an idiot.

It was just as well. This fellow could accompany him in death.

Then the road to the nether world wouldn't be so lonely.

Wen Liang had remained silent throughout this exchange and his icy gaze soon fell on Ye Fan.

"Who are you? If you don't want to die, then I'd advise you to leave now. Otherwise, you'll meet the same end as that Zhou fellow!" said Wen Liang coldly as he looked at Ye Fan.

But Ye Fan remained calm and smiled faintly even as Wen Liang spoke so nastily to him.

"Oh, what a coincidence, those were the same things I meant to say to you. I'm taking this jade cave in Xishan. If you don't want to die, then leave now. Otherwise, you'll meet the same end as that old man!" Ye Fan's words flowed continuously and his low and quiet words sounded fairly sinister.

"Oh my goodness, this idiot still dares to talk back to him?! He must be really tired of living." Liang Hao-Nan and the rest immediately felt their eyes twitch as they started calling Ye Fan and idiot in their hearts.

Zhou Bo-Tong didn't even survive one move from this man, but Ye Fan was still provoking him with his words. Wasn't this as good as courting death?

Liang Hao-Nan was glad that he had chased Ye Fan away earlier on, otherwise they would all have gotten killed much earlier on from his stupidity.

"Punk, do you know what you're saying? Those words alone are enough to become your death sentence. I will make sure you die right here!”


A murderous air immediately filled the vicinity.

Wen Liang's icy eyes had completely frozen over.

A strong wind blew past them.

It was clear that Wen Liang was ready to kill someone now.

Just when Liang Hao-Nan and the rest were sure that Ye Fan was going to die, Ye Fan himself chuckled and said, "Oh, is that so?"


The wind howled even more loudly and stirred up all the fallen leaves.

After Ye Fan said these words, everyone felt like the temperature had gone down by three degrees.

Ye Fan remained standing proudly.

His fringe blew wildly in the strong wind.

His deep eyes reflected the stars in the sky.

Ye Fan's aura was now like a fully drawn back bow and it continued to intensify.


Wen Liang's expression changed dramatically when he felt the aggressive aura emanating from Ye Fan's body. His eyes were huge and there was fear and shock reflected in them now.

Just as Wen Liang and the rest continued to look on in shock, Ye Fan raised his arm and clutched the air above him.

It was as if he had caught hold of the wind and lightning!

Ye Fan's eyes suddenly became icy cold as his fingers slashed across the air like a knife.

A white flash lit up in the night sky.

His energies were like a knife as it shot out towards the man in front of him. He was as fast as lightning.

"I have a sword that can open the gates of heaven!"


The white light flashed across everything in front of Ye Fan.

Anything in the way like grass, trees, rocks, were either broken or sent flying.

Its unstoppable might finally reached Wen Liang.

Wen Liang paled terribly as he shouted in shock, "His energies are like a knife and his fingers can kill!"

"You...you are...a grandmaster?!"

Wen Liang was terrified to see this scene in front of him and he felt like his soul was going to leave his body soon.

Without hesitation, he turned and started running.


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