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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 617

If it were anyone else with a background like Ye Fan's, the man would be delighted to marry Su Yuan-Shan's daughter.

But despite all his efforts to matchmake them, Ye Fan refused to accept his daughter.

But Su Yuan-Shan wasn't anxious about it.

They had to survive the night first.

In time, they would grow fond of each other. They had to take things step by step slowly.

Su Qian was already on the way when Ye Fan was heading to the Su residence with Su Yuan-Shan.

The matriarch of the Su family called Su Qian in the afternoon and told her granddaughter it was imperative she come home for dinner tonight.

"Mu-Cheng, why do you think Granny needs me so urgently? Do you think it's a trap?”

Su Qian's grandmother had a lot of power in the Su family, so Su Qian didn't dare oppose her when it came to certain matters.

Su Qian called Qiu Mu-Cheng using her handsfree earpiece while she was driving.

"By the way, Mu-Cheng, has the scoundrel contacted you?”

"Don't worry too much. There's no sense in getting angry over such things. He might be chatting and drinking with girls from the countryside working in the city while you mope over it. Teehee! Mu-Cheng, I was just kidding. Don't take it to heart. I'm home so I've gotta go, bye!"

Shortly after Su Qian put down the phone, she reached home and pulled up in front of the bungalow.

Su Yuan-Shan's car arrived at almost at the same time.

"Dad, you just got here?" asked Su Qian as she walked over to her father.

Su Qian had only taken a few steps when she caught sight of Ye Fan's silhouette next to Su Yuan-Shan and her eyes instantly opened wide.

"Ye Fan? What the hell are you doing here? Have you been hiding behind my Dad out of fear that Fan Zhong-Xian and the others might seek revenge on you? Good god, do you call yourself a man? You were afraid of their revenge, so you hid yourself far, far away and just left a woman at home all by herself?!" asked Su Qian inconceivably the moment she caught sight of Ye Fan. It was as though Su Qian had seen a ghost.

"How can you talk like that? Why do you speak in such an uncouth manner? You don't have any the sort of constraint a woman should have. It's no wonder Ye Fan doesn't want to marry you," reprimanded Su Yuan-Shan as he glared the moment he heard his daughter.

"What? Do the likes of him get to choose whether he wants to date me? I'm the one who isn't interested. Tell him to leave!" said Su Qian furiously.

How dare that pauper from the countryside look down on her?

Su Qian was undoubtedly infuriated.

"He can't leave. He's having dinner with us tonight," said Su Yuan-Shan calmly.


"Dad, do you even want him to eat with us tonight?" asked Su Qian as she instantly stared hard. Then she sternly rejected him, "No way! Dad, Granny said it's a Su family affair tonight. Ye Fan is an outsider. What gives him the right to attend our family dinner?"

"What right? He's my future son-in-law and the husband I picked out for you.

Considering his status, he has every right to attend our family dinner!" said Su Yuan-Shan deeply. He was clearly angry.

He sounded so stern that there was no room for negotiation.

Su Qian was even more shocked to hear these words.

Her cherry lips parted so wide that an apple could fit in her mouth.

"Ye...Ye Fan? Yo...Your son-in-law and my... my husband?" asked Su Qian dumbstruck.

This world was insane.

Su Qian's own father kept harassing Qiu Mu-Cheng's husband to be her husband.

What would Qiu Mu-Cheng think of her if she caught wind of this?


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