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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 643

On the last day of the calendar, the head of the Li family of Yunzhou, Li Er, was finally back in Jiangdong!

On this same night, Li Er informed all the bigwigs of the 18 cities that made up this province that they had to arrive at Haiyuan Restaurant by noon the next day to attend the Feast of the Sea and Sky!

Anyone invited but didn't turn up would have no place in Jiangdong after tomorrow.

This announcement from Li Er was like a rock that fell into the ocean, causing a huge tsunami to rise within the calm province of Jiangdong.

It was as if a huge pot of water was now boiling on New Year's Eve.

That same night, many luxury cars departed from their luxurious homes.

They came from the cities of Jianghai, Nanquan, Jingzhou...

All the bigwigs of each city immediately left their homes to drive towards Yunzhou in the night just to attend the feast that Mr Chu was going to.

It was as if the emperor had summoned all members of royalty to the palace and they were all headed to the royal court.

If there was a camera in the sky, one would see nearly a hundred luxury cars speeding on the highways leading to Yunzhou.

Each car was a luxury car worth at least a million.

The roads they used were completely unblocked.

There was traffic police to open up the roads and to patrol the area to make sure everything was safe.

The tolls left their gantries up in advance.

The traffic lights were all adjusted to remain green so that the cars could drive in like there was nobody else on the road.

After all, the feast happening the next day as the first time Mr Chu was gathering all of them after becoming the leader of Jiangdong, so it was like a new king ascending the throne.

Seven days ago, Jiangdong was already beginning to get busy.

Right now, all the rich and powerful of every city in the province was emerging from their houses, like how rivers flowed into the same sea and all the emperor's subjects were going to the palace.

This commotion and this fervor not only stirred up the corporate world but even the political world caught wind of it.

But since it was a feast for the business people, the government officials didn't attend.

But the various departments tried their best to make this whole process smooth so as to be on friendly terms with Mr Chu.

The business and political worlds were intertwined after all.

Businessmen needed the help of government policies, while the government needed the businessmen to produce good results in the city.

The peace and stability of Jiangdong for so many years was a result of the cooperation of these corporate giants with the government.

At this moment, on a highway about a hundred miles off from Yunzhou, a black marked car was also speeding along.

The car license plate number was J00001.

Those who knew a thing or two would know that this car license plate number belonged to the Provincial Committee Secretary of Jiangdong, the man who sat right at the top of the provincial government office of Jiangdong!

A man was seated quietly in the car. His features made him look authoritative.

He was probably tired from working extra hard for many days in a row.

Without realizing it, he had leaned against the window and was going to fall asleep soon.

The car window was left slightly open to allow some of the cold wind from outside to blow in.

But just when he was about to fall asleep.


A gush of air went through the car as a Mercedes-Benz drove past quickly and caused the wind to blow through the window.

The man was instantly awoken by the shock and his hair was a little messy from the wind.

His eyes darkened and he got angry.

"Liu, catch up with that car and take the license plate number down."

How dare someone overtake the Jiangdong Provincial Committee Secretary's car?

How dare he!

The man's eyes were filled with authority as he gave these instructions sternly.

The driver, Liu, didn't dare to disobey his employer, so he quickly stepped on the accelerator to chase after that car.


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