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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 69

"Mu-Cheng, don't just stand there! Quick, we must go~”

While Qiu Mu-Cheng was looking at Ye Fan, her cousin and their dinner companions had already regained their wits. Panic filled their faces as they dragged Qiu Mu-Cheng out of the restaurant.

In the end, Qiu Mu-Cheng had no choice but to leave with them.

Meanwhile, Ye Fan continued to stand calmly in the restaurant lobby.

Both his hands were thrust into his pockets, as a faint smile played on his lips. He showed no sign of panic.

"As the saying goes, 'New-born calves are not afraid of tigers~"

"I think he has no idea who he has just offended?"

"He even dares to smile?”

He is either stupid or a moron!

When the restaurant customers saw Ye Fan's reckless behavior, they could only shake their heads and sigh. The look they gave him was one people usually reserved for idiots.

In their opinion, it was prideful and stupid of Ye Fan to think that he could go up against Sheng Tian all by himself.

Even though he was a little strong, he was still just one person.

On the other hand, Sheng Tian had a powerful organization behind him.

"Young man, are you tired of living?"

"You should leave while you still can."

"This is Sheng Tian we are talking about. The boss of Shengtian Entertainment Group and the central district."

"And he has Chen Tian-Jiao backing him. You are just a live-in son-in-law. There's no way you can beat him."

Among the crowd of onlookers, there were a few warm-hearted individuals who were worried for Ye Fan.

Han Fei-Fei had just said that Ye Fan was just a live-in son-in-law from the countryside. Wasn't it suicidal for a person like him to go up against Sheng Tian?

But Ye Fan laughed lightly and said, "Old man, don't worry. There is nothing a mere Sheng Tian can do against me."


"You bastard! You are still bragging!"

"Go get him!"

"Kill the bastard-"

Sheng Tian was completely enraged. He had already gotten up from the floor, and was screaming angrily at Ye Fan.

Very soon, under Sheng Tian's direction, a dozen or so underlings armed themselves with expandable batons and charged toward Ye Fan.

"Young man, look out!" yelled the old man who was concerned about Ye Fan.

The onlookers were frightened by the scene unfolding in front of them, and many of them backed away in a panic.

But Ye Fan only shook his head and laughed disdainfully.

In the next moment, Ye Fan jumped and executed a beautiful spinning kick in the air. The movement was both ruthless and graceful, like a roc spreading its wings.

Bang Bang Bang Bang~

In the blink of an eye, the gangsters around Ye Fan were all knocked down to the floor, where they laid sprawled and groaning.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

"What... What is..."

He is that powerful?"

The lobby went quiet, and all the onlookers stood looking with their mouths agape. Finally, after a long moment, a collective sharp intake of breath broke the silence.

Who would have thought that the mass of attackers would be defeated in an instant by the frail-looking young man. The scene just now had looked like something out of a movie. None of the people present had expected to see a silver screen moment in real life.


"Is he still human?"

"He's Superman!"

"Whoa! This guy is too strong."

Many in the crowd cried out involuntarily, and nearly wet themselves.

The old man, who had tried to persuade Ye Fan to leave, was also cowed by the latter's martial prowess. Right now, he was staring at the young man with wide opened eyes, while rooted to the spot.

Meanwhile, Sheng Tian, who had just witnessed the defeat of his underlings, was looking angry and sombre.

But he was a person who had been through a lot of difficult situations, so he managed to quickly calm himself down. He looked at Ye Fan again and laughed coldly, "No wonder you are so cocky."

"You are a martial artist. I have underestimated you."

Sheng Tian laughed sinisterly, pulled a chair over and sat down.

He lit a cigarette, shook his head and smiled. "But young man, this is the twenty-first century. We live in a society dominated by technology. We have even sent rockets into space."

"Your fists and feet are hard. But are they harder than a bullet?”

"You are fast. But are you faster than a gun?"

As Sheng Tian was laughing, three figures appeared quietly on the floor above. And soon, all three of them were standing before their boss.

Immediately afterward, the sound of bullets chambering rang out in the lobby. And Ye Fan found himself staring at three gun barrels that had appeared all of a sudden.


"They have guns~"

"We are going to die~"

The moment Sheng Tian's underlings brought out their guns, the whole restaurant erupted into chaos.

Those people who had been watching the show started screaming. Their faces were pale from fear and panic, as they looked around for places to hide.

And Ye Fan's smile vanished from his face.

He had not thought that Sheng Tian would have the guts to use guns.

For the first time since the beginning of this ordeal, killing intent appeared in Ye Fan's eyes.

All these years, what he had hated most were people who threatened his life.

And now, his life was being threatened.

"Young man, why are you so quiet now?"

"Go on! Keep on being cocky!"

"Weren't you acting like a superhero just now?"

"Why are you acting like a scaredy-cat now?"

"Speak up!"


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