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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 696

Ye Yu-Yan had always looked down on this cousin of hers. Now that her mother was telling her that Ye Fan was going to stay in the same house as her, Ye Yu-Yan was extremely unwilling to do so and immediately told her mother no.

Dong Mei immediately scolded her, "Why are you being so immature? Fan is your aunt's son! How could we not bother about him? You mean you'd rather he sleep on the streets?"

"I don't care, I'm not staying in the same house as him. If you want him to stay here, I'll stay elsewhere," Ye Yu-Yan insisted.

Dong Mei became livid. "Why, you!”

"Enough, my daughter isn't in the wrong. This son of my sister's is a useless fellow who's never held a decent job in his life and goes around beating others up. And he even dared to covet my precious daughter back then? He's nothing but a hooligan," said Ye Tian coldly as he put down his tea cup.

"I just knew this boy wouldn't grow up to accomplish anything. And now? He's gone to be a live-in son-in-law and he's living off his wife. What an embarrassment to the Ye family! If you let this hooligan stay here, I don't know what trouble he might cause. I don't know why you agreed to such a request. You should have just refused my sister."

Ye Tian clearly didn't like this eldest nephew of his and stood on Ye Yu-Yan's side. He didn't agree to let Ye Fan stay in his house either.

Dong Mei became unhappy after hearing these words. "Ye Tian, why do you think I agreed to this? It's because she's your older sister! If I rejected her, it would look bad on you. And now both of you are blaming me? Then tell me what should I do? Your sister's place has so space and the two of you refuse to let him stay here. Are you really going to let him sleep on the streets?"

Dong Mei pitied Ye Fan and was genuinely agreeable to let Ye Fan stay at her place.

Ye Tian thought about it, then said, "Let him stay at a hotel or something out there then. At most we'll pay for it. Alright now, don't interfere with this matter anymore. I'll call my sister in a while."

After Ye Tian finished saying this, he suddenly remembered something else and looked at his daughter. "By the way, Yu-Yan, I forgot to tell you something. Qin Yu came over to look for you today but you weren't in, so he just left an invitation card behind and left."


"Qin Yu came to look for me?" Ye Yu-Yan was pleasantly surprised to hear this name.

Out of all her peers in Yeyang, the only one that Ye Yu-Yan admired was Qin Yu.

Qin Yu's father and Ye Yu-Yan's father had been friends for a few decades now, so Ye Yu-Yan and Qin Yu knew each other since they were children and they grew up being very close.

When they were students, the top spot in school was either Ye Yu-Yan or Qin Yu. The two of them were equally good in their studies, their social status was similar and they were seen together all the time.

Qin Yu was Ye Yu-Yan's closest male friend.

In the past, many people thought that Ye Yu-Yan would become Qin Yu's girlfriend.

But they were all wrong. Ye Yu-Yan just treated him as a male best friend.

The two of them were closer than friends but they weren't lovers.

"That's right. You probably don't know, but Yu is getting married and the wedding is tomorrow. He even wants you to be a witness at the ceremony,” Ye Tian immediately sighed.

"You silly little girl. Yu is such a good boy, you know. His father is the County Chief, so he's a rank higher than me. Yu is now also a famous entrepreneur in the county. He was wooing you back then and you should have said yes to him, but you didn't care for him. I don't know how high your standards are anymore," Ye Tian sighed. He thought it was such a pity.

Dong Mei sighed at this as well.

She just felt that her daughter had missed an excellent marriage partner.

But Ye Yu-Yan just smiled faintly. "Dad, Qin Yu is a nice boy and I do agree that he's a good marriage partner. But to me, he can only be my best friend. He's still not enough to be my boyfriend."

After hearing that, Ye Tian became curious and asked, "Then Yu-Yan, tell me, what sort of boy my precious daughter fancy? Then I can help you look for one.

Ye Tian said these with great pride in his voice.


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