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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 709

"Fan, that was a good one!" Ye Xi-Mei took a step out after Ye Fan had finished saying these things.

All this time, Ye Fan wasn't the only angry one. Ye Xi-Mei was also equally angry.

But as the eldest sister, she decided not to be as childish as her younger siblings even though she didn't like some of the things they did.

But today, even Ye Xi-Mei couldn't stand their behavior anymore.

Ye Xi-Mei walked out resolutely and protected her own son.

"We will treat others the same way others treat us. None of you have ever made any consideration for Fan. Fan just does what he needs to in order to survive, so how could he be concerned with your gains and losses? For your own selfish gain, you want my son to put his dignity aside and apologize? You can forget it!” "Son, I support you. You don't need to apologize to the Qin family. We don't owe anybody anything, and we most certainly do not need to sacrifice our own dignity for others!" said Ye Xi-Mei harshly.

Her icy cold words carried an authoritativeness that was not to be challenged!

"Sis, you..." Ye Tian exclaimed in shock when he heard these words.

Ye Fan was young, rash and immature, but Ye Tian didn't expect Ye Xi-Mei to support Ye Fan instead of trying to talk him round.

"Alright now, all of you, that's quite enough. This is the end of the matter, don't bring it up again. As for the rest of you, if you're worried about your future, then go and prepare your own gifts and apologize to the Qin family yourselves. If Fan wants to go, he can go. If he doesn't want to, don't force him," concluded Old Master Ye and put an end to this mess.

"But Dad...” Ye Ya was still indignant about it.

Ye Fan had created this trouble, so why did they have to clean up after him?

But Old Master Ye cut Ye Ya off with a fierce shout.

"Why, you're not going to listen to me anymore? Your father is still alive and kicking!!" shouted Old Master Ye angrily. Ye Ya was so frightened that he immediately shrank back and didn't dare to speak anymore.

After that, everyone left unhappily to return to their own homes.

At the same time, Ye Ya sent his son to the hospital.

After getting hit by Ye Fan, Ye Jian's nose refused to stop bleeding, so he had to get to a hospital.

Ye Fan also brought his mother and Lu Wen-Jing back to their place.

"Mum, I'm sorry. I've made trouble for you again,” apologized Ye Fan in a soft voice to his mother after they got home.

Even though his mother hadn't said anything, Ye Fan knew that his actions today would definitely have made his mother's conflict with her siblings worse.


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