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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 715

Ye Fan's second uncle, Ye Ya, finally got to the scene of the accident.

Ye Ya was thrown very far behind when Ye Tian sped ahead.

But Ye Ya finally caught up with them.

"Sigh. I don't even want to talk about it," replied Ye Tian with a darkened expression. Then he briefly described the situation to Ye Ya.


"He asked to you compensate $200,000? Tian, don't give it to him. He's scamming you! Isn't it just a rear collision? It doesn't sound serious to me. He probably only blew a couple of rear lights. No matter how posh the car is, it usually costs $50,000 to $60,000 at worst. Even

$100,000 is too much. How can he ask you to pay $200,000? He's treating you like some sucker! Tian, listen. I know a lot about cars, and you should pay $60,000 at most. If he is reluctant to accept the offer, we can call the cops and get the traffic police to determine the damages," persuade Ye Ya as he shared his opinion with Ye Tian.

Ye Tian was shocked as he said, "Ya, are you sure?"

"It's an expensive car. Are you sure the damages shouldn't go above $60,000?" asked Ye Tian yet again.

$200,000 was not a small sum. If Lei Ao-Ting was out to deceive them, Ye Tian certainly didn't want to sit around and just let someone cheat him of his money, even if it was a Lei family member.

After all, Lei Ao-Ting had to be reasonable with his demands.

If he demanded $200,000 for a $60,000 damage, he was clearly out to cheat them.

Despite the fury in Ye Tian's heart, he asked Ye Ya once again to be sure.

"Tian, I'm serious! I'm a car expert. We are being generous by just paying him $50,000. Listen, offer him $60,000! If he disagrees, we can call the traffic police and get a third party to verify the cost of repair. That would make things even fairer, and no one will have any complaints," replied Ye Ya as he patted his chest and assured his older brother.

Ye Tian found that Ye Ya made sense, so he turned to look at Lei Ao-Ting and wanted to make a new offer.

But Lei Ao-Ting chuckled and interrupted, "What? Do you feel that I'm taking advantage of you by asking for $200,000? In that case, let's do as your younger brother suggested and call the cops, so a third party can determine damages. I won't make a peep about how much the police says you are liable to pay later."

Lei Ao-Ting was swift to agree to Ye Ya's suggestion.

Ye Tian instantly smiled and explained, "Young Master Lei, you misunderstand. It's not that I don't trust you. I don't want you to suffer losses, so I promise to pay every dime the traffic police decide on. I, Ye Tian, won't shortchange Young Master Lei!"

Ye Tian was very tactful.

The traffic police arrived shortly, along with a car mechanic.

The car mechanic glanced at the damage briefly before scrutinizing the condition of its engine and interior.

"How is it? Roughly how much will repairs cost?" asked Ye Tian.

The car mechanic paused and replied, "This car is a limited edition model, so regardless of its paint job and parts, all materials have to be ordered from abroad."

"No, don't get into all the nitty-gritty details here. Just tell us roughly how much it will cost," interrupted Ye Ya right away.

The car mechanic made an estimation and raised his palm to reply, "Roughly this much!"

"Haha! Tian, what did I tell you? I said repairs would cost $50,000 at worst! I've been dabbling in cars all my life, so I know best!" bragged Ye Ya smugly when he saw the car mechanic hold up five fingers.

But the car mechanic rolled his eyes and continued, "It's $500,000."


"$5...$500,000?" asked Ye Tian in shock as his mind went blank with a rumble.

Ye Ya stood dumbstruck and stared straight like he had seen a ghost.


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