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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 749

"Erm..." replied Ye Xi-Lan as the corner of her eye twitched.

"Don't you think Jian can win her?” asked Ye Ya's wife as she glared.

Since they had already gotten this far in the conversation, Ye Xi-Lan had no choice but to smile and say, "Just listen to what you are saying. Jian is so impressive that no girl is too good for him. I think it's a good idea and worth a shot."

Ye Xi-Lan chuckled.

Despite her words, it certainly wasn't what she thought in her heart.

Although Ye Jian was better than Ye Fan, he had no accomplishments, so Ye Jian was probably only good enough for an average girl.

But Chen Nan looked like a girl from an influential family, and she was gorgeous to boot, so it was impossible for her to fall for Ye Jian.

Only my Yu-Lang is good enough for Miss Chen," thought Ye Xi-Lan secretly. In her heart, she wanted Chen Nan to become her daughter-in-law too.

After she made up her mind, Ye Ya's wife went home and told Ye Jian to take some initiative and hit on Chen Nan.

Ye Jian and Jiang Yu-Lang both went over to try their luck.

They tried their utmost to impress Chen Nan, but she completely ignored them.

Chen Nan only had eyes for Ye Fan the entire time.

In the end, they went home defeated.

"Mum, dream on. There's no chance for me at all. Miss Chen doesn't like us at all," said Ye Jian as he shook his head and sighed after he got home.

His mother instantly said disappointedly in a fury, "Nonsense! No matter how bad you are, surely you surpass that live-in husband, right? If Miss Chen was willing to befriend Ye Fan, why can't you win her


"Mum, it wasn't that I didn't try. Miss Chen simply ignored us completely. There's no way we could ask her out for a date and do more. I think Ye Fan might have caused trouble by talking bad about us. Or else, given my charm, why would Miss Chen disregard me?" explained Ye Jian.

His mother instantly nodded and felt it made sense too.

"You're right. Ye Fan must be bad-mouthing you. It seems I need to intervene," replied his mother.

Ye Ya's wife went over to the old Ye residence immediately after she made up her mind.

"Xi-Mei, watching TV? Where's Fan? Is he out?"

The moment Ye Ya's wife entered the house, she saw Ye Xi-Mei sitting on the couch watching the television on her own.

She looked around and noticed that Ye Xi-

Mei was the only person in the house, so she asked her quizzically.

"Yup, he's out," replied Ye Xi-Mei indifferently in a cold voice.

She was clearly still holding a grudge over what Ye Ya's wife said earlier.

But Ye Ya's wife was utterly thick skinned and completely dismissed Ye Xi-Mei's cold attitude towards her.

Instead, she continued to ask where Ye Fan and the others had gone.

"Nothing in particular. Since it's Miss Chen's first time in Jingzhou, Ye Fan brought her out to town."


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