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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 761

Old Master Ye was still unable to persuade Ye Fan in the end.

He watched Ye Fan leave and his wrinkled face was covered with much worry.

After a long time, Old Master Ye shook his head and gave a long sigh.

"My dear Fan, if you were a true dragon, then the pride in your bones would have helped you to fly even high. But it's a pity that you're not very capable and you don't have any extraordinary accomplishments. In such a situation, the pride you have will be your downfall instead."

The sky was so vast and the night was so dark.

Old Master Ye continued to stand beneath the stars and sighed quietly.

The worry he had for his grandson was very apparent.

To him, Ye Fan was way behind compared to his other cousins.

His academic results were average, his ability was average, and he was just as ordinary as his name 'Fan' meant.

And now, he was a live-in son-in-law, so it made things worse.

But no matter how worried the old man was about Ye Fan's future, it wouldn't be of any help.

He was already at such an advanced age, so there were many things he couldn't do anymore.

The only thing he could do was to pray.

He could only pray that Ye Fan and his mother's lives would not become worse in the future.

But while Old Master Ye was still worrying about Ye Fan's future, many rich and powerful men from all over Jiangdong had now left their homes and were travelling overnight to reach Yeyang.

Luxury car after luxury car was speeding across the highways of Jiangdong.

The orange headlamps cut through the dark sky like sharp knives!

If one could view these cars from the sky, you would see nearly a hundred cars making their way out from various corners of Jiangdong and turn into the highway headed for Jingzhou.

From afar, the tiny lights from the cars looked like fireflies in the night.

All of them were speeding towards Jingzhou.

It was as if all the rivers were flowing towards a sea!

All the passersby were shocked by this sight.

"My goodness!"

"It's the New Year holiday, so why are there suddenly so many cars?"

"Where are they going?” "Is a new emperor ascending the throne and everyone is going over to congratulate the palace?"

Many people were just watching on wide eyed as they exclaimed in surprise.

"What? How could a bunch of lice like them know anything about Mr Chu?" scoffed Jin Bao when he heard the chatter of the passersby.

He had a strong sense of superiority in his voice.

Jin Bao was now driving a car with Li Er in as they turned onto the highway that connected Yunzhou to Jingzhou.

Their car was followed by a long line of cars.

Besides the Li family cars, there were also other cars sent out from other rich and powerful families in Yunzhou.

There were more than ten cars in a row and their engines roared loudly.

The roaring engines sounded like the growls of wild beasts as they echoed through the night sky.

"Oh my, Master Er, our Mr Chu is really incredible, isn't he? Just one word from him made half the rich and powerful of Yunzhou set off immediately," exclaimed Jin Bao excitedly as he saw all the cars behind his in the rear mirror.

Li Er just shook his head. "Jin Bao, you underestimate Mr Chu. If I'm not wrong, tonight, every rich and powerful family is going to spend New Year's eve on the road."



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