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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 774

"Oh? Are you looking for me? Did Lei San send you?"

Ye Fan was sitting in the courtyard when he broke his silence and put down his teacup while Ye Tian and the others went into a shock.

He turned to look in their direction, and his indifferent voice quietly rang.

Gu Jia-Xiang turned to look. The moment he saw Ye Fan, he was instantly delighted.

"Oh my! Mr Chu, you're here. I thought you would be inside sitting in the living room. Who made you sit out here? How could those country lice take the good seats while they make you sit in this awful one and suffer in the cold? Are they joking?" said Gu Jia-Xiang rather loudly in a deep tone. He was clearly furious.

Ye Fan's relatives looked angry when they heard Gu Jia-Xiang.

After all, Gu Jia-Xiang was as good as scolding them.

Even Old Master Ye looked upset.

Ye Fan waved his hand and replied, "I'm just a junior member of the family, so I naturally only get to sit here. Enough of this. Where is Lei San? Why didn't he come? Did he send the things I wanted?"

Ye Fan wasn't acquainted with Gu Jia-Xiang.

But when he heard his identity, he reckoned Lei San sent him here.

Sure enough, Ye Fan was spot on.

Gu Jia-Xiang immediately replied Ye Fan reverently, "Mr Chu, Master Lei wanted me to send a message. He is escorting the goods and will be here soon. Also, Master Lei sent me to come first and pay my respects to both you and your mother."

"That's thoughtful of him," replied Ye Fan as he nodded and lowered his head to pour a cup of tea. Then he said, "My mother is in the living room. If you want to pay your respects to her, be my guest." Gu Jia-Xiang was instantly delighted to see Ye Fan nod. Then he turned and headed into the Ye residence.

"Mr Gu, come on in and have a seat! We are certainly surprised that a big shot like you is visiting us!" said Ye Fan's grandmother warmly. She instantly stood up to welcome Gu Jia-Xiang when he walked in.

But Gu Jia-Xiang ignored the old lady and brushed her aside when she blocked his way.

He looked around and quickly zeroed in on a lady with a graceful demeanor.

He walked over and said respectfully, "You must be Mr Ye's mother, right?"

Ye Xi-Mei frowned a little in surprise and asked, "Do we know each other?"

Gu Jia-Xiang shook his head and replied, "Although we haven't met, I thought Mr Ye's mother ought to be an elegant and refined woman since he is peerless and dignified. There are only four women in here. That old lady and the beautiful young woman are the wrong age, so they couldn't be it. The woman beside you lacks grace and looks ugly, so she isn't fit to be Mr Ye's mother. Only you are fit to be Mr Ye's mother considering your age, grace, and appearance."

Gu Jia-Xiang spoke with candor in a gentlemanly manner and was polite. He certainly was a worldly-wise man after being on top for so long.

But Gu Jia-Xiang's words provoked Ye Xi-Lan.

Ye Xi-Lan instantly exploded.

"What do you mean? What do you mean by lacking grace and being ugly? How can I be unfit to be Ye Fan's mother? That's mindboggling! Do you know both my children came in first in the county for the national college entrance exam? They have guaranteed placement in Yanjing University. How could you belittle me? You are blind!" scoffed Ye Xi-Lan angrily as she laughed at Gu Jia-Xiang.

Instead, Gu Jia-Xiang shook his head and said, "First in the county for the national college entrance exam and guaranteed placement in Yanjing University? Is that considered high achievement? Lei Group fires dozens of graduates from top colleges in China each year! Did they come in first in the county? Even Jiangdong's top scholar is just one of my ordinary employees."

Gu Jia-Xiang spoke a few words in a cultured manner, leaving Ye Xi-Lan mortified and speechless!


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