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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 779

Outside the Ye residence, everyone was in an uproar.

Voices filled the air like steam from boiling water.

But there was complete silence in the Ye residence.

Everyone was stunned by the guests' arrival. Ye Tian and Ye Ya were dumbfounded when they heard the names of these important people. They were so stunned that they went speechless.

Although they were only separated by a door, the atmosphere was poles apart.

Everyone was in an uproar outside.

However, no one made a peep inside the residence.

It was so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard.

The only sound echoing through the air were these big shots' footsteps as they walked in.

Their heavy footsteps landed on the tiles and caused tremors in their hearts.

Ye Ya was already so shocked that he didn't dare to move.

Ye Tian was equally shocked and speechless.

The only person who could remain calm was Old Master Ye.

Although Old Master Ye didn't know why so many influential people were visiting him for the holidays, they were doing their family a huge favor just by turning up.

The Ye family had to play good hosts and be polite.

So Old Master Ye hurried Ye Tian and Ye Ya to go out and receive their guests.

But no matter how Old Master Ye shouted at them, neither of them dared to budge.

They had clearly learnt their lessons well and were fearful of further embarrassment.

It was fine if these guests were really there to visit them, but if they weren't, they didn't want to put on a thick skin to welcome them and end up leaving with their tails between their legs.

So for a while, no one in the entire Ye family dared to receive these important guests.

But Lin Yao-Hua and the others weren't upset.

After entering the residence, they looked around.

Very quickly, they found Ye Fan quietly sitting in the courtyard and drinking tea by himself.

These Jingzhou tycoons hurried over immediately to pay their respects to Ye Fan when they spotted him.

"I, Ding Zhi-Dong, from Auspicious Phoenix Holding Company..." "I, Xu Jiu-Yang from Jiuyang Industrial...' "I, Lin Yao-Hua, is here on behalf of Yaohua Group to pay our respects to Mr Chu and wish you a happy new year!"

"We wish Mr Chu a prosperous new year!"

The richest man in Jingzhou, Lin Yao-Hua, took the lead, and everyone paid their respects to Ye Fan in unison.

Their waves of voices merged and flooded throughout the residence.

Their reverent voices shook everyone.


There was a deathly silence!

The entire Ye residence went completely quiet.

Ye Tian stood petrified while Ye Ya's eyes were wide open.

Ye Xi-Lan forgot to breathe, and Ye Ya's wife was stupefied.

Their kids were also trembling in shock with their mouths gaping.

Everyone present stared awestruck at the sight unfolding before them.


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