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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 781

"Gosh, Tian seems to be doing well this year!"

"Even the government official from Jinhua came to visit him!"

"That's a county-level city!"

"It seems like Ye Tian will certainly get promoted next year."

"The Ye family is truly going to have a high ranking government official!"

Many of them sighed and discussed these things among themselves enviously.

The shock which Ye Fan gave them earlier dissipated instantly.

All eyes fell on Ye Tian and his family.

After all, people from the countryside had an inexplicable admiration for government officials.

In their eyes, only government officials and corporate jobs were considered decent jobs. Their biggest objective when they sent their children to school was for them to study hard and work for the government in the future.

To them, regardless of how well you performed in other industries, it was still considered improper.

If they performed well at school, they could serve the country!

It was a deep-set notion in Lunar culture and couldn't be changed overnight.

Ye Tian led his guests into the house and walked past Ye Fan while the townsfolk looked at Ye Tian's family with envy and admiration.

Ye Tian suddenly stopped and looked down at Ye Fan and laughed as he said coldly, "Ye Fan, I don't know what secrets you hold or why those businessmen came to visit you during Lunar New Year. But even if you have the support of those tycoons, no matter how rich they get, they are merely lowly businessmen resorting to opportunistic methods. They merely reaped success because of our policies." "In other words, they owe their social status to the country's administrators. They can only get rich because we allow them to. If we don't want to see them wealthy, even the richest man in Jingzhou will get pulled down from his spot in a second!"

"So you better watch your step. Don't even think about disrespecting us just because of some minor success. You have no clue that your little bit of so-called success means nothing to me! Do you want to compete with me using power and connections? You're an abandoned son and live-in husband. Are you even good enough?"

His deep voice gusted by like an icy wind and made Ye Fan's clothing flap in the wind.

Ye Tian sneered at Ye Fan in disdain before he turned and headed to the living room.

Dong Mei started to blame Ye Tian for being so harsh on Ye Fan.

Ye Tian replied in a quiet but angry voice, "Was I harsh? I was benevolent enough when I didn't drive the brat away! Don't you know why he invited so many guests today? He wants to show off his power, so he can embarrass and humiliate us. That brat is trying to rebel against us. How dare he talk back to his uncles? Does he think he can insult us by inviting some lowly businessmen over? He can dream on!”

Ye Tian's cold voice was filled with rage.

Ye Tian and Ye Ya were both embarrassed when Lin Yao-Hua gave Ye Fan his well wishes for the new year.

Ye Tian could tell Ye Fan was deliberately showing off his connections to disgrace his uncles and aunts.

Since Ye Tian had always loathed his nephew, he couldn't withstand the insult.

Now the tables had turned and guests were knocking on the door to visit Ye Tian, so he gained the upper hand and gave Ye Fan a piece of his mind to vent his steam.

That way, Ye Fan would know there was no way he could outdo someone as experienced as Ye Tian.

Ye Fan was too green to compete with Ye Tian for the spotlight.

Ye Fan remained calm and wasn't bothered by Ye Tian's scolding.

Despite the large number of government leaders visiting Ye Tian, Ye Fan didn't cast an eye.

Ye Fan remained seated out in the courtyard with a smile on his face as he drank tea calmly.

He was like a still and ancient well, and not a ripple undulated across his heart.

Everyone was brimming with excitement at the arrival of so many government officials at the Ye residence. No one noticed the cars zipping towards Yeyang thousands of meters away from the town.

They were all black Audis!


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