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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 784

"You...you... How dare you threaten us? You ingrate! We raised you, but you claim to owe us nothing?! In that case, leave! Get lost now! Leave the Ye family and don't ever come back. I, Ye Ya, doesn't have a nephew like you," scolded Ye Ya as he gritted his teeth.

"Leave now!" yelled Ye Xi-Lan deeply.

"Leave the Ye family!"

"Leave the Ye family!"

Ye Jian, Jiang Yu-Lang, and Jiang Yu-Qing all shouted furiously.

Their angry voices echoed through the residence.

In an instant, everyone condemned Ye Fan.

Everyone in the Ye family told him to leave in unison, and no one spoke up for him.

But Ye Fan remained silent even though they were shouting at him shrilly.

The skinny silhouette sat by himself in the courtyard.

The sun shined on him brightly, leaving a shadow on the ground.

From a distance, he seemed so lonely!

But a bright voice instantly pierced through the air from outside the residence like a sharp blade at this very moment.

"Mr Wu Zhi-Ming, Mayor of Jingzhou, is here!"

"Mr Dong Xing, head of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee of Jingzhou, is here!"

"Mr Lin Ping-Zhi, Deputy Mayor of Jingzhou, is here!"

"Mr Ji Yi-Hai, Jingzhou's City Committee Secretary, is here!"


"The head of Jingzhou's Disciplinary Inspection Committee?"

"The Se...cretary?"

"The first...first in command of Jingzhou city is here?"

It felt as though they were just struck by several bolts of lightning.

The residence fell into a deathly silence when everyone heard the names of their guests.

They stopped shouting at Ye Fan.

The commotion instantly went quiet.

Not a peep came from the house.

It was pin drop silence.

It felt as though they were in a movie, and someone suddenly pressed the pause button.

Ye Tian and the others almost stopped breathing from the shock.

They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

How could their tiny family gathering attract even the likes of Jingzhou's government leaders?

Had the Jingzhou leader come too?

How could that be?

Was that possible?

The Ye family was an unimportant family. Why would the leader of Jingzhou come?

Ye Ya almost cried in anxiety. Even the experienced Ye Tian was petrified.

He stood where he was with his face pale and muttered, "Who...who did you say was here? Ji...Ji Yi-Hai? Secretary Ji?"


What was going on today?


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