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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 8

Qiu Mu-Cheng had already forgotten how she got home that night. The events today had too much of an impact on her. This state of turmoil would probably continue even after she reached home.

Could it be that Ye Fan had been telling the truth? Were the gifts really from him?

A multi-million sports car and those expensive jewellery. Were they given by Ye Fan?

But Ye Fan was just a poor live-in son-in-law. Where did he get all that money?

Or perhaps, Ye Fan had only been pretending to be poor all these years? He was not really from a poor family, but a rich one? He was truly the son of a rich man?

That thought sent Qiu Mu-Cheng into a state of confusion. There were too many questions that she wanted to ask Ye Fan.

"Cheng-Cheng, you are back. Come have your dinner."

When Han Li saw Qiu Mu-Cheng standing outside the door, she greeted her daughter with a smile.

Although Han Li had also suffered humiliation today, she was still Mu-Cheng's mother. She understood that the grievance her daughter had suffered was even greater than her's. So she didn't place any further blame on Mu-Cheng.


"You piece of trash. Who said you could come home?"

"You were afraid of getting embarrassed so you ran away during the banquet. But you left your wife there. Can you still call yourself a man?"

"It was Mu-Cheng's misfortune to marry a man like you!"

"Get lost-"

When she saw Ye Fan who was standing behind Qiu Mu-Cheng, Han Li lost control of her emotions. The grievance she had

endured earlier at the hands of her relatives was all unleashed at that moment.

But Ye Fan had already gotten used to this. After all, he had been living the life of a live-in son-in-law for the past three years. It was normal for his mother-in-law to scold him.

"Mom, stop yelling. No matter how bad he is, he's still your son-in-law and your daughter's husband. Can't you give us a little respect?"

Qiu Mu-Cheng yelled unhappily at her mother. She was already fed up with the constant scoldings. And then, she grabbed hold of Ye Fan and whispered: "You come with me to my bedroom.”

Ye Fan was stunned. For the past three years, Qiu Mu-Cheng had never let him enter her bedroom. But today-

"I told you to come to my bedroom. Didn't you hear? Don't you want to come in?" Qiu Mu-Cheng repeated her invitation.

Ye Fan was suddenly struck with joy. "Yes yes."

"Bring the blanket with you. Don't sleep in the study anymore." Qiu Mu-Cheng's next words caused Ye Fan to be completely overwhelmed with happiness.

Could it be, I am going to get lucky?

Under the influence of euphoria, Ye Fan returned to his room for the blanket and carried it to Qiu Mu-Cheng's bedroom.

"Cheng-Cheng, what're you doing? Are you crazy? You're going to let this useless piece of trash into your bedroom and sleep with him?"

"Have you gone insane?"

"You don't want to get married anymore?"

Han Li started panicking when she heard Qiu Mu-Cheng's invitation.

For the past three years, Han Li had been pestering Qiu Mu-Cheng to divorce Ye Fan and find a better husband. After all, Qiu

Mu-Cheng was extremely beautiful and she was still a virgin despite her marriage to Ye Fan. With qualifications like these, it should be easy enough for her to find herself a rich husband. But if she went and had sexual relations with Ye Fan, it wouldn't be easy to find a fall guy to take care of her.

If that were to happen, her family would never be able to make a comeback.

Therefore, Han Li was opposed to Qiu Mu-Cheng sleeping together with Ye Fan.

"Mom, let me say this again. No matter how bad Ye Fan is, he's still my husband. It's normal for a wife to sleep with her husband. And since I am already a married woman, I don't have to get married again."

With a pom sound, Qiu Mu-Ying shut the bedroom door in her parents' faces.


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