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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 818

The King of Fighters' resounding words echoed through the hall like gold falling onto the ground.

Even though Fang Shao-Hong and Lu Tian-He were leaders of the army, they didn't dare to retort.

In the end, they hung their heads and sighed before they left sadly.

"Oh dear! From the looks of it, Mr Chu can only rely on his fortunes.”

Lu Tian-He felt sad while Fang Shao-Hong sighed deeply on the way back.

They had hoped that Ye Fan could take over them or even become Yanjing armed forces' next God of War.

They didn't expect such a calamity to befall him.

In their opinion, it was unlikely that Ye Fan would survive this duel.

Based on Ye Fan's ability, he will probably perish under Mochizuki Kawa's blade!

However, if Ye Fan didn't turn up, he would ruin his reputation, become a laughingstock, and there would be no place for him in the country either.

Lu Tian-He and Fang Shao-Hong were hoping that War God Castle could get involved. From the looks of it now, it was wishful thinking on their part.

All the members of the War God Castle were martial arts elites and held high power.

While Ye Fan was just a young punk and no different from an ant to them.

Of course they didn't care about whether Ye Fan survived this duel or not. So why would they offer any help?

Lu Tian-He and Fang Shao-Hong deeply sighed as they drove away and headed to Jiangdong and towards the location where the duel was to be held at Mochizuki Kawa.

But after they left, two people were sitting in the halls of War God Castle and were talking to one another.

One of them was dressed in gray and sitting on a couch while drinking tea leisurely.

He was the man whom they called the King of Fighters.

A handsome man dressed in green sat before him. He was meticulously cleaning his sword with his head lowered while he said, "Was someone looking for you earlier?”

The King of Fighters nodded. "Yup. Some officers from the Yanjing armed forces. They wanted me to help save a nobody. It was hilarious. Do they really think we are firemen who will save whoever they ask us to? What's more, they said this man could be the next God of War."

"Really?” The man in green shook his head and laughed. "Then what did you say?"

"What else could I say? I said the God of War defeated Mochizuki Kawa back in the day. If that boy is the next God of War, he can defeat him too. Then I told them to leave," replied the King of Fighters.

"Do you think this young man can defeat Mochizuki Kawa?" asked the man in green again.

"How is it possible?' scoffed the King of Fighters. "I looked up the young man. He is bound to die if he fights Mochizuki Kawa. After all, Mochizuki Kawa is a strong fighter from our generation and made a name for himself in Asia within 30 years. That boy is just a nobody. Can he go against the will of God or something?"

The King of Fighters shook his head as he instinctively spoke with disdain.

It was understandable since Ye Fan was very young.

People usually didn't place too much importance on a 20 something year old youth.

The man in green laughed and nodded before asking again, "Oh yes. What's this youth's name?"

"Ye Fan aka, Mr Chu!" replied the King of Fighters in a deep voice.

"Ye Fan?" repeated the man in green as he smiled gently.

After they finished chatting, they didn't bring up the subject again.

Ye Fan was just a nobody to men in high power like them. If not for Mochizuki Kawa's reputation, the King of Fighters probably couldn't be bothered to check on Ye Fan.

Very quickly, the King of Fighters forgot about it and threw it to the back of his mind.

Despite his disinterest, the interest level in Jiangdong was a completely different matter.


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