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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 824

"Really? In that case, let's wait and see. Let's see if your precious Fan is a hero or a coward!" said Suzumiya Eigetsu contemptuously.

Suzumiya Eigetsu felt particularly indignant when Mochizuki Kawa said Ye Fan was better than her.

So she wanted to see whether the so-called Mr Chu deserved Mochizuki Kawa's praise.

From the looks of it now, they had clearly overestimated this Mr Chu.

He didn't even have the courage to turn up for the fight. Suzumiya Eigetsu despised cowards like him from the bottom of her heart.

Time slipped by.

Everyone kept waiting for the man to arrive.

Qiu Mu-Cheng raised her head and looked at Dongchang Lake with worry in her eyes.

Lei Ao, Li Er, and the others waited expressionlessly too.

To the people of Jiangdong, the likelihood of Mr Chu turning up for the duel was zero since Ye Fan was nowhere to be seen for the past ten days.

But it was human nature for them to long for a miracle in a hopeless situation.

No one wanted to give up until the very last minute.

Wasn't it true?

Snow fluttered everywhere in the air.

Before they knew it, the land was covered with snow.

Dongchang Lake glimmered while the snow fell, and the wind caused waves to undulate across its surface.

Everywhere around the lake was quiet.

All eyes looked into the distance while they waited quietly.

Then Mochizuki Kawa's silhouette suddenly moved while it stood proudly at the center of the lake.

He raised his head and looked out.

Then he shook his head.

"Miss Xu, it seems the man you have bet your life on isn't coming. Or rather, you aren't as important to him as you think. We have all made a miscalculation.”

Mochizuki Kawa's deep words sounded both ghastly and icy.

His deep voice sounded like the grim reaper.

He left everyone trembling in fear after hearing it.

Mochizuki Kawa had indeed miscalculated.

When he caused chaos in Jiangdong and kidnapped his wife before announcing to the world that he wanted to invite Ye Fan to a fight, he thought this would force Ye

Fan to turn up.

But Mochizuki Kawa didn't expect that the only thing that turned up after he waited for ten days was this snow.

Ye Fan had yet to appear.

"In that case, there is no reason for you to live. Look up and take in the sights for the last time because this will be the last snow you see in your life."


Mochizuki Kawa's words echoed sinisterly while his face turned icy cold.

Mochizuki Kawa didn't have the patience to wait anymore. A cold wind gusted as his hand glowed while icy internal energy gathered on it until it became a cold sword.

"It's over."

Mochizuki Kawa's lips trembled. His deep voice sounded as though he was seeing Xu Lei off to her death.

Xu Lei's face turned pale while shock filled her eyes.

Qiu Mu-Cheng and the others panicked as they watched from the shores of Dongchang Lake.

Just as Mochizuki Kawa was about to hack Xu Lei with his sword, someone yelled deeply from a distance.


The voice came suddenly and exploded like thunder in the sky and caused another flood of astonishment at the peaceful Dongchang Lake.


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