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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 843

"These are...tangerines?"

Ye Fan was stunned to see the fruits.

Ye Fan felt like he had gone back in time.

He recalled the scene at the Chu residence in his memory as it flowed back to him like water.

Ye Fan was still a child when he stole two apples from the Ye family's private farm and gave it to the little girl beside him.

"Fan, aren't you going to eat it?" The little girl's childlike voice quietly rang as she looked up.

The boy shook his head. "Go ahead and eat it. Don't mind me. I'm not too fond of apples. I prefer tangerines, especially the ones from my hometown. I love their sour and sweet flavor."

"Really? Then I will plant you some tangerines. You can have them when they ripen." The little girl smiled innocently.

"Sure. I'll be waiting." The little boy smiled back.

They used to be so young and innocent.

In the blink of an eye, many years had passed.

Ye Fan had almost forgotten this random thing he said when he was a kid.

However, the girl shockingly remembered some random thing he said even after all these years.

Somewhere deep in this heart, Ye Fan could sense his heart suddenly softening.

It felt as though something had split open, and something sour was gushing from it.

Ye Fan finally realized why Xu Lei suddenly turned up at Jiangdong to look for him.

She wanted to make good on her promise.

"That silly girl."

Ye Fan shook his head as he sighed. He felt unusually touched inside.

It was so hard to accept a favor from a beautiful woman!

Although they were just tangerines, they were worth more than their weight in gold to him.

It was a simple gift, but they meant a lot to him.

Moreover, Xu Lei had harbored feelings for him for ten years.

Ye Fan stood in the hospital corridor quietly for a long time.

He could vaguely sense remnants of Xu Lei's warmth on the tangerines.

Also, one of them had already split open.

It seemed to have split open from all the internal energy flying through the air at the duel yesterday.

No wonder Xu Lei kept covering her belly when she was at Dongchang Lake yesterday.

She had been trying to protect the tangerines.

"Sigh. She's such a lovely girl. If things didn't go awry back then, I thought Xu Lei would be the one you ended up marrying. What a huge plot twist. You ended up going separate ways for ten years because of that accident. By the time you reunited, things had already changed completely.”

Ye Xi-Mei sounded emotional as she sighed and said these words.

Xu Lei gave Ye Xi-Mei a deep impression when she still lived at the Chu residence. Ye Fan and Xu Lei were very close and glued to the hip.

Ye Xi-Mei even thought that Xu Lei would be her future daughter-in-law.

But fate had its ways.

The misfortune they suffered ended up changing the course of their lives forever.

"Mum, what's the point of bringing this up now? It's all in the past, and we are grownups now. Moreover, isn't it more fortunate for Lei this way?" said Ye Fan deeply. His low voice got carried out the window and was swept very far away by a light breeze.


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