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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 862

It was still late at night when Ye Fan arrived in Jiangdong, so they spent the night at a nearby hotel.

In the morning, Ye Fan brought Suzumiya Eigetsu to Jianghai International Airport and prepared to board the plane.

However, the weather was too rough for flying, so the flight got delayed.

The morning flight was postponed to the afternoon. Ye Fan had no choice but to keep waiting.

"Master, I'm hungry. Can we go for a bite first?"

Suzumiya Eigetsu finally couldn't bear the hunger in the afternoon. She batted her big, beautiful eyes at Ye Fan somewhat imploringly.

Her soft voice left everyone's heart in a mush when they heard her.

Of course, it was the hearts of young men around them and not Ye Fan's.

From the moment Ye Fan came in with Suzumiya Eigetsu, all eyes turned to her.

She was petite and so pretty that she looked like a beautiful fairy in a painting.

Suzumiya Eigetsu's lips were bright red, and she had striking features. Also, she had the perfect body.

Distinctly Japanese female characteristics oozed from her intoxicating features and made her seem gentle and delicate.

She really triggered everyone's hero syndrome.

They were especially stunned when they heard Suzumiya Eigetsu call Ye Fan, 'Master'.

They wanted to fight Ye Fan to the death for her sake as envy rose in their hearts.

"My goodness! What a bastard! It is one thing to have such a beautiful girlfriend, but he makes her call him 'Master' too? They certainly know how to role-play."

The people around them were so envious.

They could only dream of such things happening to them, but this averagelooking man was living their dream.

Ye Fan felt as though he was sitting on needles as people around them looked at him murderously.

Ye Fan felt that someone might call the police if they continued staying here.

So he hurriedly got up and left.

"Master, where are you going?"

Suzumiya Eigetsu seemed to enjoy making Ye Fan feel shy, so she deliberately called him, 'Master', loudly as she beamed.

"Didn't you want to eat? If you want to eat, then shut up,” said Ye Fan with an angry look on his face.

"Hee heel You're the best, Master." Suzumiya Eigetsu chuckled happily before chasing after him.

Ye Fan didn't know what to say to that.

Damn it!

This woman must have done this on purpose!

The corner of Ye Fan's eye twitched.

"Don't stop me! Asshole, how dare you steal my wife!"

"Darn! We really can't compare to him. Why didn't I encounter someone as pretty as her?"

"Master? Young people these days are getting so adventurous. She calls him 'Master' instead of hubby?!”

Many people gossiped behind them.

Some of them were envious, while others were sad.

However, Ye Fan ignored them and left the airport terminal with Suzumiya Eigetsu.

Then they found a restaurant and ordered lunch.

"Damn it! What is going on? The flight got delayed just like that?! These Chinese are so unprofessional. It's Grandpa's 60th birthday tomorrow. If we don't make it back in time, we are in trouble."

A young woman's angry voice came from behind while they were having lunch.

The woman was exquisitely dressed and wore thick and makeup. Even from a few meters, Ye Fan could distinctly smell her perfume.

A slightly younger woman dressed in a refreshing dress sat before her. Her low ankle boots were paired with mid-length socks and made the woman appear slightly more slender and pretty.

Judging from their outfits, they were girls from rich families.

They were probably foreigners on holiday in China.

"Tsubame, don't get anxious. They just want to make sure we can fly safely,” comforted Chiike Shizuka softly.

However, a few burly men walked over while the women were talking.


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