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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 890

"Master, are we really born equal?"

"Why are some people born with doting parents? They can go wherever they like and see the sights, and go to school to study. They can even fall in love and court the men they like and spend the rest of their lives together."

"Why do they have such a beautiful childhood? Why can they have such fulfilling lives? It's as though even the flowers bloom and birds sing just for them, and everyone applauds them. They can sing to their heart's content in their youth, but why not me?"

"From the moment I was born, the spirit seal was planted in me. I have been nothing but a vessel for 17 years. I wanted to have takoyaki, but someone made trouble. Even the cherry blossoms refuse to bloom for me. Life is so easy for everyone else. But why does the world conspire against me when I want to do something?"

The ravishing young woman curled up and cried under the stars.

Her voice choked and was filled with sorrow.

It felt as though she suddenly stopped suppressing all the sadness she suffered for 17 years and let it all out.

She cried so hard that her skirt became damp with tears.

Helplessness, dejection, regret, sorrow...

All kinds of emotions kept surging through Suzumiya Eigetsu's heart.

Due to her special status, Suzumiya Eigetsu had been put on watch at all times since she was born.

She was like a princess who was locked up in a lavish estate. She didn't have friends, freedom, or even family.

Her parents had already sold her to Tsukuyomi Tenshin from the moment she was born.

In their eyes, Suzumiya Eigetsu was already dead.

She only existed to become a vessel when Tsukuyomi Tenshin was reborn.

All they needed to do was to ensure Suzumiya Eigetsu's safety until she came of age.

Everyone else had a golden childhood, but hers was colored in shades of grey.

After Mochizuki Kawa brought her to Sword Shrine, she finally gained more freedom.

However, she could only move around freely in the shrine.

Things only changed when she met Ye Fan.

Ye Fan kept her company and showed her how beautiful the world was.

He brought her around and showed her the pleasures of being alive.

Ye Fan was also the one who made her heart throb for the first time in her life.

She couldn't bear to part with the world because of him.

For the first time, Ye Fan made her sense how beautiful life could be.

But that was precisely why Suzumiya Eigetsu felt sad and disappointed in her heart.

At the end, she could no longer suppress her emotions. She placed her head on her knees and sobbed like a child.

Ye Fan watched in silence for a long time.

Looking at this young lady made him think of his own childhood for some reason.

Ye Fan cried in his mother's arms just like Suzumiya Eigetsu when he suffered humiliation while he was with the Chu family.

He asked his mother why everyone indulged Chu Qi-Tian and why he could bask in glory and applause.

Why did his grandparents both adore Chu


While all he got was ridicule and humiliation.

"Mum, are we really born equal?"

Ye Fan asked his mother one night in the Chu residence.

Ye Fan never thought that so many years later, Suzumiya Eigetsu was asking the same thing.

The moon glowed solitarily in the night sky.


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