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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 894

"Oh, are you coming for me?"

An expressionless voice quietly rang from some distance ahead of the group from Sword Shrine.


"What on earth..."

Everyone was stunned to hear this voice.

All of them turned in unison to see where the voice came from.

A handsome young man and a pretty woman were walking over side by side.

They soon reached the group from Sword Shrine.

"Are you...are you the kid from China? The audacity! You came knocking on our door before we even hunted you down. It seems you have no respect for Sword Shrine at all!"

The moment Ishino Ryuichi caught sight of the person standing next to Suzumiya

Eigetsu, he knew this was the young man who injured Sword God and killed Hua Ying-Tian and Hua Ying-Long. He was the brat from China, Ye Fan!

Ishino Ryuichi never dreamt that this kid would dare to attack Sword Shrine singlehandedly.

Was this youthful arrogance?

Or was he that fearless?

Ishino Ryuichi's face darkened as fury seethed in his heart.

Their original plan was to get Suzumiya Eigetsu to lead Ye Fan to the foot of Mount Fuji.

So they were prepared to ambush Ye Fan at Mount Fuji.

However, Ye Fan turned up at their doorstep and messed up their plan.

"Eigetsu-chan, what's going on? Why couldn't you get a simple thing right? Why did you bring him to Sword Shrine?" asked

Ishino Ryuichi angrily.

Suzumiya Eigetsu hung her head and didn't know what to say.

Back when they were still in China, Suzumiya Eigetsu's master, Mochizuki Kawa, had told her to lead Ye Fan to Mount Fuji's foot.

However, Suzumiya Eigetsu didn't want to deceive Ye Fan.

If Ye Fan wanted to come to the Sword Shrine, she would lead him in.

"Hmm? Eigetsu-chan? So that's the one who has been held hostage by this young brat? Is she one of Sword God's disciples? She's actually so incredibly gorgeous?"

Mo Wu-Ya was stunned by Suzumiya Eigetsu's striking beauty.

He had seen a fair share of beauties in his life.

But Suzumiya Eigetsu's beauty instantly struck him.

The moment he saw her, he felt no other beauty in the world could compare to her.

She became the air that he breathed and he couldn't do without her!

"I have met countless people. Only two women can be considered beauties. One of them is Aunt Feng, while this woman is the second. I didn't think that there could be such a gorgeous woman in Japan."

Mo Wu-Ya was awestruck, and his eyes were filled with admiration.

Every human being was attracted to beautiful people.

Grandmasters with superb martial arts skills like Mo Wu-Ya were no exception.

Even his words sounded passionate.


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