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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 908

"Master, I really want to see the cherry blossoms, catch a movie and visit the Tokyo Skytree with you again. But it's impossible now. It's completely impossible.”

The young woman curled up in her room and buried her face in her knees as she cried.

She looked like a sad and powerless child as she cried miserably.

She really wanted to stay by her master's side to watch the seasons go by with him.

She wanted to experience the warmth of the sun and the beautiful sensation of wind passing through her fingertips.

But it was all too late.

She didn't have the chance to do it anymore.

In seven days, Suzumiya Eigetsu would cease to exist in the world. Only Tsukuyomi Tenshin would remain.

Then everyone would probably forget about that a girl called Suzumiya Eigetsu used to exist in the world.

A light spring breeze swept by outside the window, and it was a beautiful sunny day.

However, the room was filled with sobbing and intense sadness in the air.

Meanwhile, Sword Shrine and Sanshin Organization both released information that night.

In seven days, on 1st May, a god awakening ceremony was going to be held on Mount Fuji to welcome the rebirth of Tsukuyomi Tenshin!

"All the people of Japan are the Moon God's citizens. Everywhere that moonlight covers live the subjects of the Moon God. All martial artists are to head to Tokyo and meet on Mount Fuji to kneel and welcome the return of the Moon God and worship her piously."

The moment the news was released, it swept through Japan like a typhoon and caused a major sensation in the martial arts circle.

In Tokyo.

The Toyotomi family was an elite martial arts clan with a long history and enjoyed a lot of prestige in Tokyo.

Many highly revered martial arts elders in Tokyo hurried over to the Toyotomi clan's estate that night.

"Mr Toyotomi, have you heard? Something major happened in the Japanese martial arts circle."

The moment the head of the Toyotomi clan appeared, all of them surrounded him and couldn't stop talking.

"Something big? What could possibly happen? Has Master Yukiteru come out from cultivating martial arts?" said the middle-aged man calmly in a disinterested tone as he sat on the couch with his legs crossed drinking tea.

Since he was Tokyo's martial arts leader, and one of the top ten most powerful people in Japan, only things related to the number one martial artist, grandmaster Yukiteru Tenshin, were worthy of attention.

He couldn't be bothered with the other random matters.

"That's not it. Mr Toyotomi, haven't you heard? Sword Shine and Sanshin Organization just sent a joint announcement. The god awakening ceremony is going to be held on Mount Fuji's peak on 1 st May for the rebirth of Tsukuyomi Tenshin!"


The moment they told the middle-aged man this, the teacup in his hand broke into pieces.

He was incapable of staying calm and jumped up from the couch swiftly.

His pupils constricted as he looked at everyone in shock.

"What did you just say? Are you saying... are you saying the god awakening ceremony is going to be held on Mount Fuji? Is T-tsukuyomi Tenshin going to be reborn? Really?"

The middle-aged man almost pissed in his pants. He was both excited and surprised.

Mount Fuji was the highest mountain in Japan.


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