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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 921

On 1st May 2020.

Ye Fan entered Japan and went to Tokyo.

He killed the second strongest martial artist, Susa Mikoto, on Mount Fuji's peak.

Ye Fan turned all eight Sanshin Organization disciples to nothing but flying ash.

Immense silence swept the mountain. No bodies could be recovered.


"Oh my..."

In that instant, everyone was stunned.

Everyone stood where they were and stared dead straight in disbelief at the sight they witnessed.

"Is Mikoto d-dead? Did Sanshin Organization's deputy chief, the leader of the martial arts circle and the second most powerful fighter of Japan j-just die like that?" shouted Toyotomi Kawayoshi


He was so shocked that his eyes seemed on the brink of popping from their sockets.

Susa Mikoto was one of the leaders of the Japanese martial arts circles. Even the head of the Sword Shrine and Sword God of Japan, Mochizuki Kawa, treated him as his leader.

Did he just die?

Did a supreme grandmaster just die so easily?

For years, no supreme grandmaster in the martial arts circle had died.

However, they witnessed history in the making today!

Even sadder still was how the eight disciples of Sanshin Organization had been executed by Ye Fan too.

Those disciples were the future of the Japanese martial arts circle.

Ye Fan had pretty much destroyed the future of the Japanese martial arts circle today.

"Bastard! You bastard! How dare you kill Mikoto? How could you kill him? How could you destroy Japan's future like that? An animal like you deserves a thousand deaths! You have ruined our foundation, destroyed our future, stole our sacred object, and kidnapped the Moon God. The Japanese martial arts circle will fight you to the death! To the death, I tell you!" scolded Mochizuki Kawa hysterically in a fury with his eyes red like a rabid dog.

After all, Ye Fan had been too brutal!

He had shockingly killed all nine of their best martial artists in one fell swoop.

Even the second strongest martial artist of Japan, Susa Mikoto, was eliminated with one move without leaving any remains behind.

Mochizuki Kawa felt as though his heart was bleeding when he witnessed the horrific sight.

All the damage Japan withstood in a century couldn't compare to the number of lives Ye Fan took today.

Ye Fan singlehandedly caused the Japanese martial arts circle's power to experience a century worth's retrogradation!

How could Mochizuki Kawa not be filled with rage at the huge loss?

He was dying to skin Ye Fan alive and pull his bones apart to appease his anger!

Instead, Ye Fan laughed when he heard Mochizuki Kawa scolding him shrilly.

He turned to glance at Mochizuki Kawa with his cold, sinister eyes.

"Since you miss them so much, I will send you to hell to accompany them."

Ye Fan angrily delivered a blow with his palm towards Mochizuki Kawa as he laughed sinisterly.

Mochizuki Kawa was instantly petrified.

Even Susa Mikoto had been killed by Ye Fan with just one move, so he was doomed.

"Mochizuki-senpai, calm down. Since the kid has already fought several times, he must be exhausted. He definitely can't fight at full force now. Now is the best time for all the Japanese martial artists to combine forces and defeat him overwhelmingly to avenge our dead!"

Although Ye Fan had maimed one of Ishino Ryuichi's arms, he still wanted to kill Ye Fan.

He urged all Japanese martial artists to join hands and kill Ye Fan.

After all, Ye Fan was too powerful.

Even Sanshin Organization's nine strongest martial artists were defeated when they joined forces to fight him.

So even if Ye Fan might be exhausted, Ishino Ryuichi didn't have the courage to challenge him alone.

"If we can't kill you on our own, then we will attack together. There's no way a kid from China is capable of fighting the entire Japanese martial arts circle singlehandedly," said Ishino Ryuichi sinisterly.

All the people behind him surprisingly responded to his appeal.

Their eyes were filled with rage and righteous indignation as they chimed in furiously.

"Yes, that's absolutely right. The bastard killed Mikoto, so the Japanese martial arts circle will fight him to the death. We can't let him just leave. We have to fight him together.”


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