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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 927


The wind gusted outside the window.

Miyamoto Nakanosuke's deep voice quietly echoed in the room.

Chiike Shizuka's face had already gone pale from hearing what her grandfather said.

She didn't think that Mikawa Group would be implicated by this matter.

Miyamoto Nakanosuke looked at Chiike Shizuka deeply as though he were awaiting her decision.

Should she save the clan by cutting ties with Ye Fan?

Or choose to remain loyal to him to the end?

This was a tough question and a matter of life and death.

The moment they picked to stand on the wrong side, both the Miyamoto clan and

Mikawa Group would be walking on a path of no return.

Before she knew it, several Miyamoto clan elders and Mikawa Group's higher management had all turned up at the estate.

These people had clearly come here because of Ye Fan's actions.

"Miss Chiike, if we don't choose to cut ties when we can, things will become very complicated. Countless Japanese citizens have gathered at Sanshin Organization to kneel and beg Yukiteru Tenshin to come out of from her martial arts cultivation and save the country. Yukiteru Tenshin has protected the country for a century, so she is undoubtedly powerful. Considering how young Mr Chu is, he doesn't stand a chance if he fights her."

"Mr Chu is not from Japan after all. Even if he loses, he can go home to China. But what about us? Mikawa Group will have no way out! The moment Mr Chu is defeated, they will finish us off. If we don't sever ties with Mr Chu now, we are done for. Mr Chu is on his own, so he can do anything he likes. However, Mikawa Group can't afford to do the same. Please publicly sever ties with him!" said an elder with a white beard deeply as he begged her respectfully.

However, Chiike Shizuka remained quiet for a long time after hearing this. She bit her lips hard, and her face turned pale as worry flooded her face.

After all, she was an inexperienced young woman who hadn't seen any upheaval in her life. Hence, she was naturally terrified since this was a matter of life and death and had difficulty making up her mind.

"Haha! I didn't think the mighty Mikawa Group would end up getting led by a weak little girl. Is there no other talent in Mikawa Group? If you lack talent, you can tell me. I can send someone from Suzuki Group to teach you so that you don't keep going further and further astray."

A cold laughter suddenly came from outside.

A bald man dressed in a suit walked in under the protection of several people.

"Oh? It's you, Suzuki Kichi. This is an internal matter, so an outsider like you shouldn't interfere," said Miyamoto Nakanosuke unhappily as he frowned.

"Don't get angry, my friend. I came to help on account of our long friendship. The entire business world in Japan knows about Mikawa Group's close ties with Chu Tian-Fan. Many people have gathered at Sanshin Organization to beg Yukiteru Tenshin to come out of cultivation. So Chu Tian-Fan is bound to die soon. If Mikawa Group doesn't try to save itself, you will probably cease to exist in a few days too, considering the circumstances. Mr Miyamoto and Mr Iwai, I suggest you sever ties with Chu Tian-Fan immediately. Also, you should kill Chiike Shizuka to prove your allegiance! Then you can be extricated from this tricky situation."

Suzuki Kichi smiled.

However, his words left Chiike Shizuka even more afraid.

"Mr Iwai, Mr Suzuki is right. Chiike Shizuka is just an inexperienced lass and Chu Tian-Fan's puppet. What gives her the right to lead Mikawa Group? Mr Iwai, please shoot Chiike Shizuka immediately and publicly sever ties with Chu Tian-Fan!"

Once someone took the lead, his words were like a rock landing in the ocean and the impact left a tsunami in its wake.


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