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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 931

It was already evening time when a young man and woman sat at the top of the Skytree.

Her wish had finally come true, and she had come to the place that was closest to the heavens.

Clouds tumbled overhead, and it felt as though the galaxy was right before her eyes.

The skyscrapers stood beneath her while almost all living things were beneath their feet.

The sunset flooded into Suzumiya Eigetsu's view as this huge disc covered half the skies in the distance.

Suzumiya Eigetsu could not resist going forward. Despite her immense fear of heights, she suddenly wasn't as scared anymore.

She stood before the huge window and tipped her toes as she looked outside.

She could almost see clouds billowing and seagulls flying thousands of miles away.

She could almost see tons of seawater by her feet as the waves crashed onto a dark cliff leaving white sprays in its wake.

She could see an enormous forest with the wind sweeping through it as an empty train headed into the sunset.

Tokyo looked like an ocean in the evening too.

Countless lights melded together to form a sea.

Thousands of cars surged through the city with dim yellow lights flickering and looked like layers of waves.

Suzumiya Eigetsu gently smiled as she pointed at the world beneath her and whispered in a daze, "Master, can you see the sea? The reddish glow on the sea is absolutely gorgeous."

Suzumiya Eigetsu smiled gently as she stood close to the sky.

Her pale face was filled with bliss and joy.

Her mother was right. The top of the Skytree was certainly the most romantic place on earth.

There was no politics here.

There was no war or conflict either.

It seemed only the scenic sunset and this young man beside her existed.

But when Ye Fan glanced in the same direction as her, he didn't see any ocean.

There were only people and vast lands.

"Master, what do you think can be found in the sky?"

As time went by, the sun set completely and darkness flooded the atmosphere.

The night breeze sweeping in smelled like the ocean.

Ye Fan and Suzumiya Eigetsu sat quietly closely in this place that seemed to reach the sky.

Suzumiya Eigetsu was becoming increasingly weak, and her face was as pale as a sheet of paper.

She leaned against Ye Fan's shoulder and struggled to stay conscious.

Even if she could no longer control her body, this young woman continued to smile forcibly.

She wanted Ye Fan to remember the time when she was the most beautiful.

She didn't want Ye Fan to think about her pale and haggard profile when he thought about her.

Ye Fan replied gently, "Eigetsu-chan, do you believe in deities? Would you believe me if I told you that deities live in the sky?"

Suzumiya Eigetsu surprisingly nodded without hesitation. "Uh huh. I believe everything you say with all my heart, and I believe you are a deity too."

She spoke softly as a gentle breeze swept outside.

However, Ye Fan failed to notice the crescent on Suzumiya Eigetsu's forehead growing increasingly brighter.

Stars filled the sky outside.

Ye Fan sat quietly with Suzumiya Eigetsu at Sorakara Point as he kept her company and waited for her life to come to an end.

Thousands of Japanese martial artists gathered beneath the Skytree.

After Suzuki Kichi had spread the word about Ye Fan and Suzumiya Eigetsu's location, all members of the Japanese martial arts circle turned up.

All of them encircled the Skytree with anger in their hearts.

Tonight, the Japanese martial arts circle had to finish Ye Fan off.

They had sworn to sacrifice Ye Fan's blood to their peers.


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