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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 934

"Dragon God Body?”

"What's that?”

"Is it very powerful?"

Toyotomi Kawayoshi and the others instantly asked quizzically since they have never heard about such martial arts.

"What do you think? Skills that build up the physical body are rare in martial arts to begin with. The moment they surface, martial artists from all over the world will fight to have it. Word has it that Chu Sect wreaked havoc because of such a technique. And yes, it is none other than Dragon God Body.”


Mochizuki Kawa's words sounded like a rock landing in the ocean, leaving a tsunami in its wake.

In an instant, Toyotomi Kawayoshi and the others were stunned.

His eyes were filled with shock.

Everyone in the martial arts world knew about Chu Sect.

There were plenty of powers in the martial arts circles now.

Sanshin Organization from Japan, War God Castle from China, the royals from England, and many more were all famous in the martial arts circles.

However, Chu Sect was still internationally recognized as the number one martial arts power.

If they were to segregate the martial arts circle into echelons, Chu Sect would take up an entire top level on its own.

In the martial arts world, they were deemed a superpower.

After all, Chu Sect consisted of three clans. Just the main Chu clan alone was able to sweep through the world undefeated.

Also, they were unstoppable with the help of the other two lineages.

A century ago, Chu Sect suddenly sparked the greatest martial arts battle in history and declared war on the world.

They completely destroyed the peace in the world.

Those were the ten years where the vibrant martial arts scene in various countries around the world was rocked to the core.

During those ten years, Chu Sect's martial artists had swept throughout the globe like steel torrents.

Countless powerful fighters died. Almost every day, grandmasters perished.

The martial artists who were below grandmaster level were naturally obliterated at a wild pace.

Although each country had documented these bleak ten years, it wasn't done in great detail.

Hence, Toyotomi Kawayoshi and the others only knew about the chaos Chu Sect caused but didn't know the details.

Today, they finally learned that the greatest conflict in the history of martial arts had started because of this technique, Dragon God Body.

Naturally, everyone was dumbstruck.

At this very moment, the same question emerged in their minds.

Did this young man from China have anything to do with the conflict unleashed by Chu Sect a century ago?

Did this supreme technique that caused the world to go into chaos land up in War God Castle's hands and not Chu Sect?

Perhaps War God Castle and Chu Sect were already longtime allies?

Curiosity, shock, and questions...

All kinds of emotions hovered over everyone.

Even Mochizuki Kawa could detect the technique that Ye Fan had just executed, so of course, Yukiteru Tenshin could too.

Yukiteru Tenshin trembled the moment Ye Fan executed the move.

"Dragon God Body? How can that be? How can a kid from China get to learn this? Did you get the manual from War God Castle? No, wait. War God Castle can't possibly have such a technique manual. This skill already fell into the hands of Chu Sect back in the day. Tell me. Where did you learn it from? How are you related to Chu Sect?" asked Yukiteru Tenshin uncontrollably with a look of shock on her face.

Although the chaos didn't begin because of this technique, Dragon God Body's appearance undoubtedly served as a fuse.

The existence of such a skill had greatly helped to speed up Chu Sect's plans to take over the world.


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