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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 940


Raging wind swept through the atmosphere.

In an instant, Ye Fan had unleashed four moves.

His intense internal energy spread in all directions.

Ye Fan's Invoke the Celestial Cloud and Yukiteru Tenshin's Seiren Sword Technique collided with a boom.


A dull thud rang in the air the moment their blows collided, leaving an explosion in its wake.

The thunderous blast sounded like asteroids were colliding with the earth.

The massive impact surged through the air from the point of contact before spreading in all directions wildly.

In its wake, clouds tumbled while trees and shrubbery shot into the air.

Even the glass window at Sorakara Point was blown to bits amid the storm.

Almost half of Tokyo could sense its impact.

All glass windows of buildings within a kilometer radius of the Skytree exploded.

Broken glass rained down and scattered everywhere.

"Hurry up and run!"

"We have to hide!"

Thousands of people under the Skytree instantly fled out of fear they might get struck by this energy blast.

Some of them hid inside cars while others lay inside the ditches or went into the Skytree.

The energy that radiated from a battle between supreme grandmasters was incredibly huge.

They were incapable of withstanding even the slightest remnants of energy.

Just as everyone fled the scene, Mochizuki Kawa and Ishino Ryuichi sat on their wheelchairs and started crying again.

"Those assholes! They forgot about us again! Those bastards!" roared Mochizuki Kawa furiously with a darkened expression on his face.

Their angry howls were broken by the raging storm.

At the same time, their wheelchairs broke into pieces too.

Amid their cries, Mochizuki Kawa and Ishino Ryuichi were hit by the remaining energy and flew into the air like a kite whose string suddenly broke.

They lost a couple of front teeth when they came crashing onto the ground.

"Oh my god!" "Is this the true power of a supreme grandmaster?”

"Just the slightest bit of energy is enough to kill.”

"Can you imagine how much energy there is when they collide?"

Many people were exclaiming as they looked into the sky.

Their eyes were filled with astonishment.

"Mr Chu, you absolutely must win. You must.”

The storm continued to rage in the air.

The chaotic internal energy had already blocked everything out of sight, so no one was able to see how the battle was going.

Many people were anxiously waiting for the final outcome.

Chiike Shizuka closed her eyes tightly amid the crowd as she placed her palms together before her in prayer.

Suzumiya Eigetsu stood at Sorakara Point and gazed at Ye Fan's battle from a distance with her face pale.

The crescent on her forehead was now as bright as the sun.

Back then, someone told her that the Moon God was ready for rebirth when it lit up.

In theory, considering how bright the crescent was, Suzumiya Eigetsu should have lost all consciousness right now.

Surprisingly, the young woman gritted her teeth and refused to give up.

It felt as though the unfinished business in her heart was keeping her strong.

No one knew what she was waiting or hoping for.


A gentle breeze quietly swept through the skies.

It made fallen leaves and dust twirl in the air in its wake.

All the energy from the battle finally dissipated.

It felt as though the rain had stopped, and everything had reverted to peace.

Two silhouettes stood under the skies and were finally visible again.

"Is it over?"

"Who won?"

"Who will have the last laugh?"

In this moment, many people held their breaths.

Suzuki Kichi was shouting uncontrollably.


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