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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 95

"Song Shi-De, the chairman of Shunde Group of Haozhou, is here to celebrate Madam Chu's birthday! May you always remain youthful!"

"Lin Feng-Hua, the head of Huaxing Heavy Industries of Fenghai, is here to celebrate Madam Chu's birthday! I wish Madam Chu many happy returns of the day!"

"Shen Jiu-Yi, the head of the Shen family and chairman of Shen Group of Yunzhou, is here to celebrate Madam Chu's birthday! May you always enjoy good health!"

Their reverent greetings reverberated through the courtyard.

When Shen Jiu-Yi and company walked into the courtyard, they immediately spotted Ye Fan, who was seated at a table and drinking his tea. Without another word, the trio hurried forward, all the while pushing aside all bystanders who were standing between them and their goal. Even a VIP like Lei Ao-Ting was pulled aside by Shen Jiu-Yi.

Finally, under the shocked stares of the guests, the three magnates bowed to Ye Fan and Qiu Mu-Cheng. And the sound of the trio's respectful greetings shook the guests to their core.

At first, Lei Ao-Ting and company had felt nothing but disdain when they heard Song Shi-De's and Lin Feng-Hua's names.

After all, the two businessmen were not very well-known, so Lei Ao-Ting and company had reckoned that they need not take the Song-Lin pair seriously.

But the young men's expression had changed when Shen Jiu-Yi's name was announced.

"How...How is it possible?"

"Why is Shen Jiu-Yi here?"

"He actually came forthat live-in son-in-law?"

Finally, Lei Ao-Ting was starting to take this seriously. And the mocking smile on his face was replaced by a frown.

Lei Ao-Ting was no stranger to Shen Jiu-Yi's name; he had even seen the latter a few times.

Once, he had followed his father to meet Master Li Er in Yunzhou. At that time, Shen Jiu-Yi had been standing right beside Master Li Er.

Shen Jiu-Yi's position in Yunzhou was probably only just below Li Er's and Xu Lei's.

"Whoa, what is going on?”

"Shen Jiu-Yi is really here in Jianghai?"

"He is here to support Ye Fan?"

"Damn! Awesome!"

"Could this live-in son-in-law be some kind of big shot?"

Everyone present was shocked.

Han Hai and the other Hans all had dumbfounded expressions, as they stood there in a daze.

Madam Han had been sitting in the hall, but she could still hear Shen Jiu-Yi's name being mentioned. Naturally, she was surprised and, right away, she yelled out to her son. "Han Hai! What is going on? Has the head of the Shen family, Shen Jiu-Yi, arrived?"

"He is a VIP guest!"

"Quick! He is here to celebrate my birthday. Quick, invite him into the hall. How could we let him sit in the courtyard?"

The old lady was in the throes of excitement. Her birthday banquet was turning out to be a truly eminent affair. Even a bigwig like Shen Jiu-Yi had come all the way from Yunzhou to celebrate her birthday. Madam Han felt rather flattered.

But Han Hai's eye twitched a little before he answered his mother. "Mom, let... let us observe the situation for a bit first.

Perhaps he is not here for your birthday."

As he looked at the bigwigs who were celebrating Qiu Mu-Cheng's birthday, Han Hai could not help feeling perplexed.

What is going on?

Isn't today mom's birthday?

When did it turn into Mu-Cheng's birthday?

Meanwhile, Qiu Mu-Cheng was panicking and trying to return the presents Shen Jiu-Yi and the others had given her.

"Mu-Cheng, accept them. Mr. Shen and the others just want to give you a little something," Ye Fan said nonchalantly.

And then he started serving tea to Shen Jiu-Yi and company. "Mr. Shen, Mr. Song. Please have a seat. This is thoughtful of you."

"Hahaha- Mr. Chu, you are standing on ceremony. It is our honor to be able to celebrate your wife's birthday for her. We have already heard stories about Miss Qiu's peerless beauty, and today we can see that the stories are true after all! Compared to her, the lady in the red dress over there is just an ugly duckling, no matter how much makeup she has on." Song Shi-De laughed heartily.

And Han Yu, who was the lady in the red dress, nearly had a stroke when she heard this.

"Hmph, what are you getting smug about?"

"What's the big deal about some unknown low-class businessmen?"

"My husband is still way better than them," Han Yu said disdainfully.


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