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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 959

The sky and the waters outside seemed to come to a standstill.

The cold wind filled the city with the vapor that came from the sea.

Two days had passed since Ye Fan had dueled Yukiteru Tenshin.

During these last two days, the martial arts circle had been in turmoil.

The name 'Chu Tian-Fan' continued to spread far and wide within the international martial arts circles.

Many top martial arts leaders were at various sea ports and airports, looking for this Chinese youth who became famous with this one battle.

They wouldn't have thought that this legendary youth who was the talk of the town would actually be attending a dinner party organized by Abe Chuunan in a random hotel in the middle of Tokyo.

The entire hall was in chaos.

The quiet dinner party was no longer quiet because Ye Fan was around.

Abe Chuunan glared coldly at Ye Fan with hate in his eyes as he waited for Nakai Koichi to strike Ye Fan dead with one move.

But strangely enough, after Ye Fan said his name, Nakai Koichi seemed to have just gone into a daze and didn't move for a long time.

"What's going on? Koichi, why are you just standing there? Aren't you going to kill this Chinese boy for me?! He's not only interrupted the dinner party but actually hit my men and even kicked me! He deserves to die!" Abe Chuunan really hated Ye Fan to the core now.

Even when his father was still alive, nobody had ever hit him like this.

Now, he had become the head of the family and was at the pinnacle of power in Japan.

But this damned little hooligan actually kicked him in public.

If he didn't kill this young boy now, then he was going to become the laughingstock of the high society of Japan.

But Nakai Koichi didn't seem to have heard anything that Abe Chuunan said.

He remained frozen to the spot and Abe Chuunan noticed that either the wind was blowing at his sleeves, or Nakai Koichi's body was actually trembling slightly.

"Koichi?" Abe Chuunan tried to call him again.

"Mr Nakai?"

"Mr Nakai?"

Several others also looked over curiously.

Just when everyone was feeling puzzled, the silent Nakai Koichi finally moved.

He took a step forward, clasped his fists together, bowed low and greeted Ye Fan with fear and terror as he used his most respectful tone of voice and put himself in the humblest possible posture.

"I did not know that the almighty Mr Chu was going to be here. Your junior here has been careless and thoughtless, please forgive me for this oversight!"

Nakai Koichi's humble greeting included respect, fear and an apology.

After he said these words, the entire hall fell silent.

Everyone was rocked to the core now.

"What is going on?!" Professor An and the rest were completely confused and they just stood around looking like a bunch of wooden chickens.

"Koichi, you...you..." Abe Chuunan felt like he had been struck by lightning. His pupils constricted and his eyes were as huge as bells.

"Mr...Mr Chu? Your junior here?" Chen Nan was completely stunned as well.

Her pretty hands covered her red lips and her beautiful eyes were filled with shock.

She couldn't understand why this old man that Abe Chuunan respected so much actually became so humble before Ye Fan.

Did he know about how Ye Fan was the King of Jiangdong?

But that wasn't right either.

So what if he knew about how Ye Fan was the King of Jiangdong?

One tiny Jiangdong wasn't going to be enough for a man this powerful to be so wary and respectful towards.


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