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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 969


The attacks from the coast had already stopped, but the blasts continued.

The oil tanks of the cruise and other flammable parts continued to catch fire and explode.

After one tremendous blast, the huge cruise finally fell apart.

In the midst of the smoke and fire, there were still some survivors who jumped into the open ocean and hoped to survive.

But even though these people had been fortunate enough to survive the blasts, how many would be rescued from the raging waves?

The waves lashed mercilessly.

The rising waves were like the claws of a demon as they continued to ram against the battered cruise.

The fire was still raging on board the cruise.

The flames shot into the sky with black plumes of smoke as it waved in the wind.

All explosion sounds had stopped, and other additional noises had also come to a stop.

All the people who had managed to survive held onto various debris from the deck that was floating on the surface of the sea with terror and despair on their faces. Some of them were still sorrowfully calling out the names of their loved ones.

"Stop shouting, it's no use. After this much exploding, anybody caught in that fire is definitely gone,” sighed someone as he shook his head.

The few who managed to survive looked down sadly as tears streamed down their faces.

Their hearts were filled with some relief that they were alive, but also overcome with sadness, horror and despair.

Various emotions came together and tugged fiercely at the inside of their hearts.

"Oh my god! Look! There's someone else! Someone else is still alive!" someone yelled out.

All the survivors immediately looked over.

They saw a skinny figure slowly emerge from the flames.

There was blood on his lips and his clothes were torn.

His breathing was haphazard and his face was pale.

He staggered crookedly as he walked towards the sea.

But the strange part was that there was nothing under his feet.

His feet were walking on air as if it was properly paved as he just walked right out from the fire.

"What on earth..." The survivors were all confused when they saw this strange scene unfold before them.

Their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets as they just stared at him.

All of them were watching this young man walk out of the fire like he was some demon of sorts.

They simply couldn't imagine how anybody could possibly survive a blast of that extent.

The more horrifying part was that this man could actually walk on air.

"Oh my...oh my god...are we seeing some sea god or something?" some of them exclaimed and shouted in terror.

But the young man who emerged from the flames and walked on air was actually Ye Fan.

He had survived.

After the multiple missiles that had landed in quick succession, he hadn't died and managed to survive.

After he walked out from the fire, Ye Fan looked up at the sky, then at the sea.

Nothing made Ye Fan find the scenery in front of him so endearing and lovable like now.

Perhaps he only realized how wonderful it was to be alive after he had gone through a near death experience.


But not long after Ye Fan emerged from the fire, his entire body shook violently, then he spat a mouthful of blood out.

He immediately became a lot weaker than before.

It was obvious that even though Ye Fan had survived the missile attack, he was still severely injured.


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