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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 976

The King of Fighters and the rest were not the only ones who felt regret and loss. Ye Qing-Tian felt the same despite having never met the young man, Chu Tian-Fan.

Waves of stinging pain assailed Ye Qing-Tian when he heard about the young man's fall.

His death was a great loss to the world of Chinese martial arts.

"Eastward! The mighty river flows unendin'

Foamed waves, risen and fall'n, in moments fleetin'

Alas! So too is the hero felled...

Wrongs, rights, triumphs and defeats last but a blink

While mountains stand, and the sun rises and sinks

Such are the cards that life has dealt...

Sat the fisher in his boat, gray and wizened

Wise in the moons and winds in all its seasons

So raises his wine to friends in cheer...

All joys and all sorrows since time dawned on men

Are naught but tales shared 'round the table to quench

Men's thirst for fine wine and companions dear."

Fierce winds howled on Mount Yan.

Every man stood around the table with a cup of wine in his hand.

Ye Qing-Tian was the only one who sat on the ground, his face skyward as he sighed and drowned his sorrows in wine.

"Qing-Tian seems genuinely upset by Chu Tian-Fan's death." The rest eyed the man from a distance and sighed.

They had seen too much of the same over the years.

These tragedies would fade with time.

Soon, like melting snow that had landed in a stream, Chu Tian-Fan's name would be washed away by the tides of time.

A new prodigy would descend upon China then.

As some passed into death, so were some born into existence. The rest had to go on with their lives.

The wheels of history never stopped turning.

No matter how impressive Ye Fan had been, he was but one out of billions of men in China—a grain of sand in a vast desert.

Another grain of sand with a similar shine would pop up after he had gone.

They merely felt a mild regret for Ye Fan's death, and even that was fleeting.

But to some, Ye Fan had been everything to them.

The day after the Japanese military had admitted that they had shot Chu Tian-Fan, a furious Chu Zheng-Hong led a charge of thirteen grandmasters and fought their way into Japan.

Within one night, thousands of Japanese men at a particular military base were slaughtered.

Chu Zheng-Hong also declared that he would level the entire country of Japan.

They would all die for Chu Tian-Fan's death!

His declaration shook the entire country.


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