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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 980

The lights in Mount Yunding Villa remained lit throughout the night.

The steaming dishes on the table gradually turned cold.

The beautiful woman in the mansion sat in the living room the whole night and waited for the young man.

"Mu-Cheng, let's not wait up for him anymore. Have some rest while there's still time. You have to go to work in a while.” Ye Xi-Mei tried to persuade Qiu Mu-Cheng again. Watching the young woman sit there quietly was breaking her heart.

Qiu Mu-Cheng didn't say a word. Her flawless face revealed nothing.

Yet her heart was drowning in disappointment and resentment.

She had played out what had been supposed to happen tonight in her head countless times.

Soft music would play in the dining room as they sat around the table as a family. Ye Fan would share the stories that he had come across while Qiu Mu-Cheng pointed out the ridiculous things happening at the office. The candles would be blown and the birthday cake cut. They would savor the 1982 Lafite red wine.

Qiu Mu-Cheng had tried to imagine the utter look of surprise on Ye Fan's face when he got home and was greeted with a table full of dishes.

She had imagined the look of approval and admiration on his face.

He was supposed to realize that Qiu Mu-Cheng was no longer a wife who couldn't even put together a proper meal.

In fact, Qiu Mu-Cheng had considered the possibility of giving up the precious chastity that she had preserved for more than twenty years to him if he had pleased her. She would place herself fully in his hands, have his children and let him have her completely.

It was meant to be a night of romance and goodness, of familial warmth and bliss.

Qiu Mu-Cheng had not expected her perfect dinner-the dinner that she had been looking forward to-to end up in a graveyard of broken dreams.

She felt utterly disappointed by Ye Fan's failure to keep his promise.

She was mad that he had not called to explain why he wasn't going to turn up in time when he had known that he would be running late.

She could bear with his broken promises and his lies, but she couldn't bear his callousness and his complete disregard for her.

Was it that hard to pick up the phone and make a call?

Qiu Mu-Cheng had made up her mind. She wasn't going to speak to that bastard for the rest of her life if he didn't give her an explanation for what he had broken his word.

He was absolutely infuriating. What a horrible man!

She had spent so much time preparing the dinner, but Ye Fan had played her out.

The more Qiu Mu-Cheng thought about it, the angrier and more upset she got.

She was quite certain that she would give him a hard smack and send him flying into the wall if he turned up right now.

They wouldn't be able to pry him off the wall!

It was time to get to work.

Qiu Mu-Cheng cleaned herself up and got ready to leave the house.

Before she left, she decided to clear the dishes on the table.

Ye Xi-Mei stopped her hastily when she saw what the young woman was doing.

"Mu-Cheng, what are you doing? That's the result of your hard work. We didn't even manage to try anything. They look delicious. How could you throw perfectly decent food away?"

Qiu Mu-Cheng scoffed. "Doesn't matter how great the food taste if somebody doesn't appreciate it at all. We might as well throw it all away."

"Don't do it, Mu-Cheng. Leave them. Don't worry, I'll make sure you get a proper explanation. When that rascal comes back, I'll make him get on his knees and finish everything. That scoundrel doesn't know what a great wife he has. I'm going to give him a proper beating when he gets back!" Ye Xi-Mei said angrily as she cursed at Ye Fan.


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